Action Alert: Vaccinate Your Kids or Else!

vaccineThis morning a couple good friends notified me of a new development in the state of Maryland. State and County officials in Maryland have announced they will send parents to jail if they don’t submit their children to forced vaccinations. Well holy crap if this does not make me LIVID!

I think you all know my stance on vaccinations. My kids will NEVER be vaccinated and I will move to whatever state or country that respects my freedom in this regard. Vaccines contains toxic chemicals such as methyl mercury which is linked to brain damage, immune disorders, and autism. Thousands of children each year are injured due to vaccines and some die…all to provide the illusion of immunity from a disease that in all probability they would never be exposed to anyway…and if they were exposed…chances are it would not be the terrible thing that government makes it out to be.

It should be a parents choice to vaccinate their children since the risks can be great and the protection misleading. Up until now most states in the US have allowed parents to make their own decisions regarding this issue but I knew it would not be long before some government officials tried to undermine this. You see there is just too much money to be made from vaccines and since government and pharma companies are in bed together, trying to make sure we are sick, they need to work together to force us to vaccinate.

The action in Marlyland is backed by Circuit Judge William D. Missouri, Circuit Judge C. Philip Nichols Jr., and the chairman of the Prince George school board, R. Owen Johnson Jr. They are threatening parents with imprisonment and separation from their children if they do not bend to government will and inject poison into their kids. Attorney General Glenn F. Ivey said:

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but its got to get done.”

What is this garbage? Now corrupt politicians can tell us how to manage our health?! Well, the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, is starting a grassroots campaign to send a message to Maryland that this will not be tolerated. I am all over it Mike!

Thanks for letting me vent and I hope you will write some letters and make some phone calls too and make sure that this behavior is confronted and stopped. It is not up to the government to decide that the benefits outweigh the risks….that is OUR decision as parents and they need to keep their noses out of it! To your health!