Action Alert: Vaccinate Your Kids or Else!

vaccineThis morning a couple good friends notified me of a new development in the state of Maryland. State and County officials in Maryland have announced they will send parents to jail if they don’t submit their children to forced vaccinations. Well holy crap if this does not make me LIVID!

I think you all know my stance on vaccinations. My kids will NEVER be vaccinated and I will move to whatever state or country that respects my freedom in this regard. Vaccines contains toxic chemicals such as methyl mercury which is linked to brain damage, immune disorders, and autism. Thousands of children each year are injured due to vaccines and some die…all to provide the illusion of immunity from a disease that in all probability they would never be exposed to anyway…and if they were exposed…chances are it would not be the terrible thing that government makes it out to be.

It should be a parents choice to vaccinate their children since the risks can be great and the protection misleading. Up until now most states in the US have allowed parents to make their own decisions regarding this issue but I knew it would not be long before some government officials tried to undermine this. You see there is just too much money to be made from vaccines and since government and pharma companies are in bed together, trying to make sure we are sick, they need to work together to force us to vaccinate.

The action in Marlyland is backed by Circuit Judge William D. Missouri, Circuit Judge C. Philip Nichols Jr., and the chairman of the Prince George school board, R. Owen Johnson Jr. They are threatening parents with imprisonment and separation from their children if they do not bend to government will and inject poison into their kids. Attorney General Glenn F. Ivey said:

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but its got to get done.”

What is this garbage? Now corrupt politicians can tell us how to manage our health?! Well, the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, is starting a grassroots campaign to send a message to Maryland that this will not be tolerated. I am all over it Mike!

Thanks for letting me vent and I hope you will write some letters and make some phone calls too and make sure that this behavior is confronted and stopped. It is not up to the government to decide that the benefits outweigh the risks….that is OUR decision as parents and they need to keep their noses out of it! To your health!


  1. Pingback: Health Tips Blog » Action Alert: Vaccinate Your Kids or Else!

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  3. Tara

    This is so wrong! What’s next?!? No, I don’t even want to ask that in jest… who knows what the real answer might be. Good luck with the grassroots effort. Make your voices heard!

    Tara’s last blog post..It’s Good To Get Away Now And Then

  4. casual friday everyday

    This makes me LIVID and a little frightened by the way our country seems to be heading lately. Like you I’ll move anywhere I need to in order to keep my RIGHT to parent my kids as I feel best. ERRRRRRRR, it’s ALWAYS about money!

    casual friday everyday’s last blog post..The good, the bad, the vivid.

  5. It is scary Nell. Our freedoms to make our own health decisions keep getting assaulted left and right.

  6. Wow. All I can say is wow. These vaccines are so NOT proven to work so how the hell can they send us to jail for not vaccinating. I mean the worst they should do is not let you sign up for school…but most states let you sign a waiver. That is the only reason I can see the school board guy involved. Seriously.

    Angela’s last blog post..Trailer Trash Brownies

  7. Carey

    There is no law stating that says Maryland parents have to get their children immunized and waiver forms for personal or religious exemptions are freely available. Fox news relayed misinformation to the public on the situation.

  8. Carey,

    It is very likely that these threats are being aimed at parents that have not signed waivers. The fact still remains that they are not being told vaccinate or sign a waiver. They are being told to vaccinate or go to jail. Many parents still don’t know their rights to decline vaccination…and it appears Maryland wants to keep it that way.

  9. casual friday everyday

    My school (kindegarten) didn’t tell me ANYTHING about exemptions whatesoever. I already knew about them so I didn’t ask…since my sweet little Nicky already has all his shots (makes me sad we didnt question things with him), but they made such a fuss about his records. I was late one day with them and they were saying “He will NOT be allowed into this school without record of shots. It’s the law.”

    So, it isn’t just Maryland that are being bullies or aren’t telling parents there are ways around this if you don’t want to or dont believe in vaccinating. Luckily for me, I know about this already. But, should my kids end up in a school (and not be homeschooled) I already know I’m in for a bit of a fight.

    Laws on my side, but it doesn’t mean they’ll make it easy on me. Certainly no one (that I know of) is threatening jailing us in my state (yet), but they can still bully you and make you feel like a horrible parent and citizen by not vaccinating your child.

    I read something online that says to take your own waiver in or cross out parts of the waiver they give you before signing it and giving it back…something in the waiver could get you in trouble if your kid gets sick or brings something to the school? I can’t recall exactly so I might be off a bit on that. (maybe it says we cant hold the school responsible if the kids get sick?)

    I guess my point is that if the states have it set up that you can have exemptions (and you aren’t going to jail if you don’t vaccinate…yet) then the schools AND PED’s need to accept that and trust you’ve made the best decision for your kids… and not bully you, give you a hard time, or be flat out rude about it.

    ARGH. lol This gets me heated.

    casual friday everyday’s last blog post..The good, the bad, the vivid.

  10. Carey

    That is very true and I was only pointing out there was no law because the news is not making it clear that parents do have a choice in the matter. News networks and state authorities are once again engaging in mass public deception by claiming that vaccines for children are mandated by law and that parents will go to jail if kids do not take their shots. I was only trying to help inform any unaware readers that there were waivers available for the state of Maryland. I thought it was a great post!

  11. Thanks for making sure that was pointed out Carey. I want EVERY parent to know the law is on their side…at the moment anyway. ;)

  12. Brooke

    Honestly I think this is less about forcing parents to vaccinate and more about forcing poor and minority children out of school. Parents who are choosing not to vaccinate for ethical reasons will search online and find out about waivers. Parents who cannot afford to have their children vaccinated or are not aware that they can sign a waiver, are the ones being penalized here. This is a no win situation for everyone involved. The ACLU has pledged to get involved if anyone is actually arrested for not vaccinating their children.

  13. I spoke with someone on the school board for the county that got this ball rolling and it seems apparent to me that they are not willingly offering parents information about exemption waivers. Add to that the fact that religious and medical are the only two exemptions available and you start getting officials that falsley tell them they must provide written documentation that religious doctrine prevents them from vaccinating and not just “personal” reasons. It is corrupt.

  14. I guess where I get ticked is there aren’t LAWs in most states that say we have to vaccinate. Its just school board rules isn’t it? There aren’t actual laws? I just HATE passionately that they call it immunizations where its not making you immune. There are still cases of lots of people with the that immunization that have gotten whatever disease they were immunized against. Anyone that campaigns for immunization when its only vaccination I don’t trust because obviously they’ve not looked at stats. But then again this whole thing is currupt. Sorry for ranting.

    Angela’s last blog post..The Condition of My Living Room

  15. I agree Nell. I have signed the exemption form and like clockwork…every couple of months they phone me to tell me I MUST submit a vaccination record or my son will be dismissed from the school. I have to re-explain the no vaccine situation every time. Grrr…

  16. Stacy

    My guess is that it has to do with the low SES parents in the city that aren’t taking the kids to the DR. I live in Balto for 5 years and taught in the city schools and it was mandatory to have all children tested for lead levels at age 1 because of the abundance of lead paint in old cheap apatments that low SES families were forced to live in – Prior to the law passing there was a ton of kids with problems due to high lead levels – the lead rule protected the children – however, this immunization law will not –

    When I chose not to immunize my daughter at Dean West with Dr. Benton – he said it was my choice, but in TX it was mandatory – Do you know how many other states have this immunization law?

    I enjoy reading your blog :)

  17. Stacy,

    As Angela pointed out above there are NO laws…state or Federal…that make vaccination mandatory. School boards require either vaccination or a waiver for school attendance though and the waivers exist because there is no law saying you HAVE to vaccinate… the exemptions protect our right to choose. It is a great misuse of power to imply that parents that don’t vaccinate are breaking the law…because they aren’t. And to have your child thrown out of school, be harassed or threatened with imprisonment, or have CPS called on you as in some states they are called….is a HUGE injustice. How can all of this be acceptable for parents that are breaking NO laws???

  18. casual friday everyday

    And you know, our school here said “it isn’t our rule it’s the state”….hmmmmm.

    I’m sorry they harrass you every couple of months, Tiff. I guess I’m in for the same type of treatment it our kids go to school.

    casual friday everyday’s last blog post..No More Jibber Jabber?

  19. Dean

    Are we living in Russia or the United States? What ever happened to democracy? Is the government allowed to decide if you can get sick or not? What’s next – let them decide what you can eat or what you can read? Is everyone going crazy?

  20. Casual Friday…next time they (the school) say that (after you’ve checked of course) just reply that maybe the state school board but not state law. I really understand why people consider those who are anti vaccinating as extremists because there isn’t information shared that proves our stance. Rather its something we’ve had to research and find for ourselves. I Hate how that is the case and this information isn’t shared openly but those against are treated like fools.

    Angela’s last blog post..I’d like to introduce Farmer Hoggett

  21. Another good reason to homeschool your children if you can. And how about that new Gardisil vaccine. The only way a girl can catch that is if she is promiscuous. Besides that type of cancer can be detected through regular Pap smear tests. I wonder who is making money on that one.

  22. kailani

    Wow! I had no idea! Thank you for sharing this info with the Carnival of Family Life. I’m sure a lot of parents will find this interesting!

    kailani’s last blog post..Giveaway: Mom Spit

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  34. Denise

    I just stumbled across this post and I wanted to let you know…I fully support vaccinations AND I fully support your right to say no and NOT get harassed about it. The lady who was getting called every few months? That is COMPLETELY WRONG. Threating to toss you in jail for not vaccinating? WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.

    I hadn’t realized that it was difficult to get the exemptions/waivers. I’m not as politically active as I’d like to be – but I do have a list of “things to keep in mind and ask about”. This’ll go on it.

    Please keep in mind that not all people for vaccinations are the “I know better than you and you have to do as I say or you are a horrible parent” type. :-)

    Keep up the good work!

    Denise ….heading off the look up Washingtion state laws…..

  35. Pingback: milner » Action Alert: Vaccinate Your Kids or Else!

  36. katrina

    I don’t know. The chances of vaccinations harming your kid are about the same as the chances of them catching highly contagious and potentially fatal illnesses. I’ve had all my shots, my children have had all theirs, and none of us have any brain damage or toxic levels of mercury (we even eat fish!). Still, it should be up to the parents. It’s a risky choice, but one a parent is entitled to make.

  37. Kat

    I think you mean they contain ethyl mercury.

    “Thimerosal continues to have a scarlet letter despite the fact that it contains ethylmercury, not the environmental toxin methylmercury.”

  38. Jonsey Jones

    Be careful with this level of propaganda. While your kids may remain healthy and even get over some of these infectious diseases, they can harm those who are not as lucky. The goal of most vaccines is what is known as a herd immunity, while your kids may not die if exposed to Measles, Mumps, Rubella, or whatever you refuse to vaccinate against, there are many immunocompromised individuals that can die if exposed to your child who is carrying the disease, even if that immunocompromised child has been vaccinated. There are many individuals that are highly at risk for catching and dying from these diseases, and these laws are meant to protect them.

    Plus, there is no empirical data to support a connection of thimerosal use and any type of autism or brain damage. Plus, vaccinations do not even contain thimerosal or any mercury derivative for that matter any more.

  39. Hi… new reader here. I’m trying to figure out how to follow you, I don’t want to miss anything. Maybe I will subscribe?

    Anyway, can they do this? That seems over the line – what happened to our freedom? I sure wouldn’t want to go to jail, but I would probably move if I could. I sure wouldn’t put the toxins in my kids!

    Thanks for the post!
    Have a great week :)

    • Yes, Danielle. It depends on which state you live though. One or two state sonly allow for medical exemptions and require a doctors note. Other states allow for a combo of religious, medical, and philosophical, or all 3.

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