Carnival of the Green #123

carnival of green

Woot! Finally my turn to host The Carnival of the Green. :) As I was reading submissions this week I was thinking about how much “green” blogging goes on that I am not even aware of. I guess I concern myself mainly with green as it relates to family but boy I am not even scratching the surface. I LOVE blog surfing to see what the latest and greatest green news and opinion is. If you missed last week’s carnival it was at Agroblogger.

So without further ado…let’s dive in.

First up EcoJoe shares with us how he used old items, perhaps bound for the trash…old wood, old and sometimes bent nails, and an old and rather ugly counter-top to make a lovely kitchen island for his townhome. He documents the whole project with complete instructions and pictures. Pretty inventive and green!

Beth Bader from Eat Drink Better shares an interview with Bryant Terry who co-wrote on of my all time favorite books called Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen. In addition to being an author he is a food activist he has made appearances on the Sundance Channel’s original series “Big Ideas for a Small Planet.” Bryant is also a host on “The Endless Feast,” a 13-episode PBS series. I have admired him for a long while so I enjoyed the interview.

Alison at Green Me writes about What it Really Means to Eat Local. This is in response to recent media articles that claim that local eating is no better for the environment than eating globally transported foods. Alison isn’t buying it. I am not either.

Agroblogger writes a follow up post to one that appeared last week called My Life Without Water. Wow…what a challenge.

Adam from LifeGoggles reviews a book I have been wanting to read, Organic Places to Stay (in the UK) by Linda Moss. It outlines four different types of places to spend a night or week around the United Kingdom – bed and breakfast, hotels, self-catering and camping….all eco friendly. I want to take my kids on a tour of the UK next year so I am researching now.

The Tao of Change gives a shout to the Eco Moms Alliance which promotes mom making strides to protect their offspring AND the planet.

My Plastic Free Life writes about a subject close to my own heart… environmental children’s books.

Vanessa is one of my readers and she recently shared with me a post she wrote outlining 7 Ways To Help Your Kids Be More Green. She has some good tips.

Shannon via SavingAdvice writes her local grocery stores attempt to convert patrons to reusable bags and why she thinks they should be giving the bags away for free. While I understand wanting to save money I think green takes precedence and stores can’t give away reusable bags willy nilly like they do plastic bags…that is impractical and not cost efficient. In the post she threatens to bring her own collection of mismatched canvas bags in various sizes. My advice: Do that! Reusable is reusable. You don’t have to use their $1.00 bags…use your own. I do.

Lisa at writes Sparks Fly Between White and EPA Over Recent Smog Standard Reduction. It relate show GWB interfered with smog reduction standards. Well, this isn’t surprising… Bush has never cared about that little place we live called Earth.

Well, that concludes this week’s carnival. Next week the host will be Lighter Footstep.
