Natural families like natural remedies and non-toxic ingredients. Typically their medicine chests look a lot different than one you find in a more mainstream home. I have yet to see a Natural First Aid Kit at my local grocer though so if you want to make your own…here are a few ideas. You will be prepared and you will be using only natural and safe products on your family.
What you need to make a natural first aid kit:
Aloe Vera Gel – It soothes and heals burned, bitten, or otherwise injured skin. Since carrying aloe vera plant clipping around might not be practical, this is the next best thing.
Neem Oil – Neem oil is touted for reducing pain, killing the bacteria that can cause infection, and aiding in healing with reduced scarring. Neem is also a great insect repellent.
Vinegar – A small squirt bottle of vinegar is helpful in cleaning wounds to prevent infection.
Honey – Applying pure honey directly to an open wound can be very beneficial. It acts as a natural antibiotic and it can keep the wound sterile by killing off bacteria. A small lip-gloss style conatiner of raw honey should do the trick.
Homemade Black Salve – This amazing salve absorbs toxins…great for bites and stings. Here are instructions for making basic black salve. Water and baking soda work well too.
Vitamin E Capsules – Great for rubbing on burns, scrapes, and cuts.
Epsom salts and a bottle of water – Great for soaking wounds. An Epsom salt paste can be made to treat poison ivy/oak.
Ginger Chews or crystallized ginger – These help with nausea and motion sickness…morning sicknes too.
Bandages, Gauze, Scissors, Tape, Thermometer – To keep wounds clean and away from curious fingers.
Tweezers – for splinters and such.
These are just basics you may want to include. You can also include homeopathic remedies if so inclined. Some good ones to include would be aconite, apis mel, arnica, belladonna, chammomilla, nux vom, and sepia. Boiron makes homeopathic medicine tubes that are perfect for this!