The Joyous Gift of Grandparenting

Grandparenting bookI came across a book recently that I think would be valuable for all grandmas and grandpas out there and for parents that want to make sure their children connect with the grandparents. This book would make an excellent mother’s or father’s day gift too.

My kids are fortunate…they have almost daily contact with my parents. My parents takes my kids to arena football games, drag races, monster truck rallies, out for ice cream, etc. My daughter calls my mom, “Mom”. They have deep bonds with their grandparents which is something I never really had. While I did love my grandparents I hardly ever saw them except for summers. What little time I did have with them was memorable though and I treasure each of those memories. I want my kids to have all the same memories in regards to my parents and my husbands parents.

So I liked the book The Joyous Gift of Grandparenting by Doug and Robin Hewitt. It was written by a pair of grandparents and they share 101 practical ideas and meaningful activities to share between grandparents and their grandchildren. It has ideas for grandparents that have unlimited time with their grand kids and those that may only have a few hours here and there.

Some of the activities included in the book:

Farm Tours

Trips to Museums



Making a Family Tree

Visiting an Nursing Home

All valuable and important experiences that can be shared between grandparent and child. In addition in gives some great advice for helping to establish bonds despite long distances and on how to help children during a divorce or separation. The idea and purpose of this book is wonderful.