Beyond A Peanut

Beyond a PeanutAttn: Giveaway at the end of this post!

Thankfully I do not have children with any food allergies. But MANY children do. So many do in fact that more and more schools are making rules that no kids can bring nuts or nut products in their lunches. My daughter’s school is one of them. You know these allergy attacks from nuts must be pretty darn bad if a school is willing to go to that length.

It is tough for me to make lunches for my daughter with no nuts, especially since I like her to eat raw as much as she can and nuts are a good source of protein. It must also be tough for parents of kids who have food allergies and their relatives.

I came across a really cool product though for them…flashcards from Beyond A Peanut that are designed to educate individuals with peanut and tree nut allergies and those caring for them. The flashcards come on a big ring and they are designed beautifully with great pictures. The go into basics such as cross contamination, the importance of label reading, and emergency situations. They also have cards for many different food types with info about how to handle them. Lots of great advice for how to handle eating out as well.

These are awesome for teaching just about anyone all about food allergies…kids, parents, grandparents, teachers, daycare workers. They get a big thumbs up from me.

Because I do not have a need for these cards I want to pass them on to someone else who does. If you would like the cards just leave me a comment and I will choose a winner at random next week.