Better Life Green Cleaners

Kevin and Tim of Better Life Cleaners

Green cleaners are not negotiable in our home. We are just too sensitive to the chemicals in conventional cleaners. My son had a severe reaction to toilet cleaner a couple years ago and I got hives the last time I touched bleach and Windex. So we use green cleaners around here. Some I make and others I buy. It just depends on my mood at the time but a green clean is not negotiable.

Better Life Green Cleaners are a nifty new option for green moms. They are called better life because as parents we want a better, healthier life or our family when we shop for products and these products meet that need. The company was founded by two dads and life long friends (Kevin and Tim) who wanted products that’d be good for their kids, our kids, and our planet.

They have also seen the trendiness of the word “green” and they wanted to stand apart as a company who walked the walk and actually sold safe products instead of just greenwashing questionable ones.

I know you want to try them. Well, Mama Goes Green is a store that sells sustainable goods for practical families. The owner Sara has graciously offered one of my readers a Better Life Non Toxic Cleaners Set.

It includes:

I Can See Clearly, WOW!™ glass cleaner  – It is solvent-free (no ammonia, alcohol, or ethers) and pH neutral, so it’s safe to use on acrylic and tinted/treated windows and glass.

Even The Kitchen Sink™ gentle scrubber– This naturally powerful gentle cleaning scrubber works wonders on tubs, tile and grout, toilet bowls, shower doors, stovetops, glass cooktops , stainless steel sinks, porcelain, ceramic, enamel, stone, cultured marble, non-polished solid countertops, and laminate. If concerned, test in an inconspicuous area first.

What-EVER!™ All-Purpose Cleaner– Use this safe cleaner on any washable non-porous surface, including: countertops, appliances, sinks, toilets, baseboards, walls, floors, tables, chairs, showers and tubs. Better Life products are ethoxylate-free so waterways and marine life will not be harmed.

This set is valued at $22.50 and one lucky reader will get it free, courtesy of Mama Goes Green. Thanks Sara!

The winner is #5 Andrea! Congrats!!


  1. Julee

    Thanks for the heads up on this company. I’ve started using more and more green products, and I’m trying to be 100% in this arena. I’d love to give these a try.

  2. Christina

    I’ve been converting to all green cleaning products for the safety of my family. I’d love to win this!

  3. Hannah

    It’s nice to see products that are really safe and not just a marketing gimmick- great give away!

  4. Michelle

    Ok this is a little off topic but your comment about recyling not taking some containers reminded me of a something I had been thinking about. What happens if I throw something in the recycling containers that isnt recyclable?

  5. They sort it and toss stuff they can’t recycle so it ends up in the landfills anyway.

  6. Casey

    I would love to try some of this stuff.

  7. Jennifer

    I’d love to try this out. I use green products too but have had a really hard time finding one that will get my kitchen sink to shine.

  8. Hooray! We’ve been trying to make the switch but most of the “green” cleaners we’ve found just don’t do a good enough job with our high kid and pet traffic home.

  9. Andrea

    I’d love to win these. I am always looking to try the next green thing in cleaning.

  10. Thanks for sharing a new green co. with us! I have been slowly switching over my cleaning products to Green Works, but I would love to support a more “local” company!

  11. chyk

    this would be great, we love green

  12. Stephanie

    We are trying to use more green cleaning products in our home. I have a 1 year old and would love to try these products. How are they on granite?

  13. JohannaBC

    Would love to try these…looks like the perfect kit to cover all my basics to clean my house in a friendlier way. I haven’t really found great green cleaners (esp. glass) that really work well for me so I keep experimenting. But these sound perfect to get the job done (and there are lots of jobs here!). Thanks for a great giveaway.

  14. sarah

    Awesome! I too make ALL my own cleaning products, but it is nice everynow and then to splurge on something so I can have a little break. These would be a nice treat!

  15. would love to win this
    I have been wanting to switch to green cleaning for some time now and this would be just the boost I need to take that plunge

  16. Awesome! I was considering making my own but haven’t found where to buy ingredients for that yet. Would love to try this out!

  17. One of the biggest reasons I have been slack on teaching my kids how to properly clean the house is the fact that I just can’t stand to work with the chemicals myself, and really don’t want to see what would happen to them if they helped and managed to get too much on their hands or in their eyes or mouth. I would love to check out some green cleaners and see how well they work.

  18. Julie

    WOW!!! I would love to get my hands on some of these cleaning products. I run my own business as a green friendly house cleaner and since I provide my own products, I am always looking for new items to try and experiment with. Thank you for this opportunity!!

  19. Julia

    I would love to try these, thanks!

  20. Michelle

    Today is the day ladies! Grab all your toxic cleaning supplies and just get rid of them. Last year I went through the house and pilled up all our cleaning supplies and gave them to a neighbor. I gave away hundreds of dollars worth of “chemical crap.” I havent regreted it once! If you have vinigar and baking soda then you have what you need. If you want to get fancy go to whole foods or some other health store and buy a small bottle of lavender & tree tea oil. I mix ten to twenty drops in a spray bottle of water and use it for everything. It will be a much healthier/happier day in your house once you just go for it.

  21. This sounds like a great opportunity! Thanks for giving the mama goes green website. I will check it out. Thanks for all you info, I just started following your blog and I love it!

  22. I would totally love to win this! I’m all for green cleaners. I have some that are OK but would love to see if these work better…

  23. Melissa

    I’d love to try these products…I’m all about natural cleaning products in our home too!

  24. Anne

    I’m always looking for good green cleaners. I have yet to find something that will clean my shower.
    Also, the Mama Goes Green link doesn’t seem to be working :(

  25. Christa

    I’ve made the switch already, but would like to try some new types.

  26. Becca

    I would love in on this. As my awareness level rises I am converting our house too.

  27. Jackie

    These would be great! I would love to try them – I had never heard of them before. Like you, only green cleaners are allowed in our house : )

  28. I have been looking for some greener cleaners. The ones they sell at mainstream stores aren’t cutting it.

    member (dot) thao (at)

  29. Angela

    We are also trying our best to convert our house to “green cleaners” too! Thanks! Would love to try new products.

  30. Well, it seems to be mostly the ladies commenting so I will break the trend.

    Mrs. Dirty Boots always has me on my hands on knees cleaning!

  31. Marla

    I hadn’t heard of this line of cleaners before and would love to give them a try!

  32. kristen

    very exciting to learn about this line. i would love to be entered!

  33. Kathy

    I’d love to win. My husband calls me a “clean freak”. I am always looking for green products.

  34. elena

    would love to win. thanks for the chance.

  35. Luxe

    Thanks for letting us know, always look for new green products

  36. Kerrt

    I am always looking to try something new, especially green cleaners!!

  37. Tracy

    Oooh, I’d love to win some green cleaners — especially with a new baby in my life. :’) Thanx!

  38. Molomatic

    These cleaning products sound fabulous! I’d love to try them out. My daughter has asthma so we only use green cleaners around our house. Thanks for another great giveaway!

  39. Fabulous! I struggle with finding truly “green” cleaners that do the job. Thanks for this giveaway.

  40. Doris

    Going green isn’t hard, I buy baking soda and vinegar in bulk at Costco which works for most things but do find that it would be nice to have something already in a bottle to use, it can just be so expensive to actually buy cleaners.

  41. Jennifer

    Sounds great! I have been using lots of vinegar and baking soda too, but would love to try these products!

  42. Cheryl Crowe

    I’d love to win! I’m trying to be a greener cleaner.

  43. julie

    Always looking for safe and green cleaners!

  44. great giveaway! we are always look for safe cleaners that actually work! lol

  45. Jen

    Oooo! I want to try these and plan to when I run out of my current green cleaning products. If I like them, I want to try to get my Whole Foods to start carrying them so I don’t have to buy them online.

  46. Mommy Bee

    Sounds great! I’d love to try!

  47. Lori

    Wonderful! I can always use some green motivation to help me clean!

  48. Bena

    awesome! can’t wait to try them even if I don’t win! Although I really hope I do!

  49. Jennifer Houck

    If only everyone in this world was green friendly, what a difference that would make!! :)

  50. I’m allergic to a lot of cleaners (and dust) too, so I like trying out cleaners that are less harmful.

  51. mommiesboys

    We are chemically sensitive BAD, so I could always try new product. count me in. We use Seventh generation now.

  52. Peg Graham

    Oh, I’d love to win this! I am trying to change evrything over to GREEN. My youngest son has Autism and we have started going more organic and enviro safe as well.


  53. Mandy

    Pick me, random number generator!

  54. Madeleine

    My daughter is extremely chemical-sensitive, so we use all green cleaners at home. The problem: state-licensed day care centers are still required to used harsh chemicals to meet safety standards. The result: all the kids in care are exposed to those chemicals on a daily (and snack-/meal-time) basis, so my daughter constantly has rashes on her face and forearms–the parts that touch the activity table. :-( When I have suggested non-chemical, but still antimicrobial alternatives, they do not meet state safety requirements–does this make sense to anyone else???

  55. Jill Subirats

    I’d love to try these products out. Even if I don’t win I will be sure to make a purchase. Thanks!

  56. Ashley

    This would be great for our green family of 6.

  57. Cindi

    Hello! I would love to find effective green cleaning products. This is a brand I haven’t tried. Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it!
    Many thanks, Cindi

  58. sarah

    From the recycling conversation at the top of the page. I heard this week that you should always take the lid off of plastic recylable items because most often the lids are not recyclable, and they will just throw the whole thing away! Keep it in mind!

  59. Mackenzie

    I love a safe cleaner when I see one!

  60. Carrie

    I am always up for something new and green and clean!

  61. Hannah Q.

    I really want to try these cleaners. I’ve always used natural cleaners for most things, and these sound great! Thanks for sharing!

  62. kristen

    I am almost out of my green cleaning supplies-I would love to try these.

  63. rooann

    wow, these product sounds really great! i usually use things like baking soda or vingar, etc to clean, but sometimes it just doesn’t cut it!

  64. liz

    these sound perfect. i’m always up for trying new green cleaners!

  65. Nik

    Yes I would love to win some green cleaner–we have a new puppy who likes to chew on everything!!

  66. Danielle

    I’d love to win this – thanks for the chance!!!

  67. Krista Manna

    I would love to win this.

  68. Melynda

    Like most moms, I do a lot of cleaning. I’d love to give these products a try!

  69. Liz

    I love my homemade cleaners, but I’m always up for trying new products. Thanks for sharing!

  70. I love using just plain water and vinegar to clean with. It works just as well, without the harsh bleach smell. I also plan on buying a steam mop. That will be fun. :)

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