Reusable Coffee Mugs

I stumbled onto a green gift that my husband just adores recently. You see he is the only coffee drinker in this house so I don’t do much research into how to make coffee drinking a little lighter on the planet but he has tried for me. Last year when his coffee maker croaked he search for a used one and ended up with a cute little vintage coffee maker that I actually like seeing on the kitchen counter. And he started taking his coffee to work with him in the only drink containers we really have other than stainless steel tumblers for the kids… glass jars.

Then he mentioned that he leaves his coffee in the car and drinks up whatever is left after work, cold. It didn’t take me long to figure out that he didn’t want to walk around a factory floor carrying a quart size, glass jar. But I pushed that aside mentally until he started making daily trips to Tim Horton’s, when I finally decided we had to do something about this. For his birthday recently I got him a reusable coffee mug that looks like a paper cup from Starbucks or some other coffee shop. I have seen them for years and always thought they were a really cool idea, just not something I needed.

There are plastic cups and porcelain cups and both usually have a silicone sleeve to help with grip. Since my husband does a lot of moving and walking at work I decided to get him a BPA Free plastic coffee cup. The porcelain cup (pictured above) is greener and what I would have preferred but not practical for what my husband needs it for. Still, it will allow him to carry his coffee every day and avoid the disposable cups from Tim Horton’s. The verdict? He LOVES it. When he told me that I should blog about his cup I knew we had a winner and he uses it every day.

Are you using a nifty reusable coffee cup yet?