How To Ease Menstrual Pain And Discomfort

How To Ease Menstrual Pain And Discomfort

How To Ease Menstrual Pain And DiscomfortIt’s that time again. For many women their periods can be a painful and uncomfortable time. Many women don’t simply have the cramps that are expected as part of the menstrual cycle but, also experience a wide range of symptoms from headaches to backaches and aching thighs to feeling tired, bloated, and just out of sorts. Reluctant to take pain medication each and every month, some women dread the onset of their period and simply grit their teeth and suffer through all the pain and discomfort. It really doesn’t have to be that way. There are several things you can do to ease menstrual pain and discomfort.

Here are a few suggestions:

Reduce Salt and Alcohol Consumption

That bloated feeling most women get during their monthly flow is due to water retention. You can reduce that bloated uncomfortable feeling by cutting back on your salt and alcohol intake starting about a week before your period is due. Both alcohol and salt makes the body retain water so by cutting back on these two items you can reduce the amount of fluid your body retains. You may also want to increase the amount of water you drink during this period as it will help to rinse the salt from your system faster than just reducing your salt intake alone.

Eating Healthy

While eating healthy regularly is good for your overall health, it is especially important to eat healthy immediately before and during your period. Some studies show that by increasing the amount of green leafy vegetables you eat during this time that feeling of constant tiredness is reduced and adding bananas and other sources of vitamin B to your diet may help to ease the cramping that occurs during this time.

Aroma Therapy Baths And That Hot Water Bottle

Many women find that when that cramping starts taking aromatherapy baths using either lavender or rose scented bath oils can help to reduce those muscle spasms that lead to those cramps and aching back and thighs and help to relax you overall. By relaxing your muscles you reduce that crampy feeling which results in your being able to sleep and function with less pain. Using a hot water bottle or heating pad can also reduce those cramps and ease some of your menstrual discomfort. If you want a greener option than a hot water bottle go with a Warmables heat pack. The outer shell is cloth and the inside is filled with recycled cherry pits!

Using citrus candles or incense can also lighten that dark mood that some women feel while going through their monthly period. Lifting your mood can actually make you feel better not just emotionally but physically as well.

Mild Exercise

While the last thing you want to do when feeling achy and moody is exercise, you really should force yourself into doing some mild exercise during this time. Walking or swimming may actually reduce your back and headaches and give you more energy as well. Exercising in the days before your period is thought by many experts to actually reduce menstrual symptoms and duration. I find it to be true in my experience. After I started exercising 4-5 days a week my periods decreased in duration by more than a whole day.

By combining some or all of these suggestions you can reduce much of that menstrual pain and discomfort if not all of it. This will allow you to continue with your normal activities and leave you feeling more comfortable than you thought possible.

Related: Alternative and Natural Menstrual Products