Detroit Child Vaccinated at School Without Parental Consent

Detroit Child Vaccinated at School Without Parental Consent

This news story has me absolutely FUMING and it has become clear that I need to have a discussion with my kids about what they need to do if their school even DARE to try this.

Apparently a 14 year old child in Detroit was suddenly pulled from her class without warning or explanation. They took her to the nurses office and gave her four different vaccine shots. They never asked for parental permission and in fact they ignored a signed directive on file from the girl’s mother to never provide medical care or services for her daughter. They vaccinated the young woman for the flu, meningitis, HPV, and Hep A.  Understandably the mother, Sighle Kinney, was furious and is looking for someone to be held accountable for this travesty. She has made it clear she did not intend for her daughter to receive these vaccines, especially the HPV one. Afterwards her daughter developed a full body rash and missed several days of school.

My three kids attend three different pubic schools. All have a vaccine waiver in their files and written notes saying that they must NEVER be vaccinated. In light of this story though I will be talking with each of my kids about what they are to do if someone does try to vaccinate them on the sly. If any attempts like this were made I would consider it assault and I will tell my kids to view it as such as well. They will be advised to:

  • Scream
  • Kick
  • Run from the room
  • Demand that a parent be called AND the police
  • Tell them that their mother will unleash a can of you know what if they even DARE…

Some may think this is being a little nutso but this kind of government interference cannot be tolerated. I have made a conscious decision to not inject my kids with poison and I am following all the laws for my state whilst I also protect my children. I investigated the vaccine laws before we even decided to move to this state! If anyone tries to supersede my parental authority they are going to have one angry parent on their hands but they are going to have a rabid parent where vaccines are concerned.

Have you prepared your kids, just in case they are faced with this scenario?

See below for a video about the Detroit Family: