Saw this fun blog post on the Carrots N Cake blog (which I love) and decided to create my own A to Z list of all the simple things in life that make it so fun and delicious.
A – Apples. Slice them and serve with peanut butter or chop them up and stick them in a meatloaf. I eagerly await apple season every year when we pick bushels of delicious apples.
B – Books bring me such great happiness. I love to learn with non-fiction books but also love to be transported to new worlds and experiences through the lens of fictional characters. Just read For Darkness Shows the Stars and it was AMAZING!
C – CrossFit is my fave way to stay fit and strong. Once you start and get over the initial shock to your system, you become addicted to it.
D – DVR. Watch programs when I want and no commercials.
E – Exercise. “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands”. – Legally Blonde
F – Family & Friends. They make life worth living.
G – Grass. Love walking on it with bare toes.
H – Halloween – My fave holiday.
I – The Internet. Every day we can learn new things and make new connections. Technology has it down side but it has some amazing benefits.
J – Jeni’s Ice Cream. Oh yeah. We are lucky ducks to live so close to what has been honored as America’s best ice cream by the Food Network.
K – Kettlebells. I use them at the gym, I use them at home, and I wear a tiny one around my neck. Yeah, I love them.
L – Local foods. I love the local foods scene here in Ohio and it is one of the reasons why I hesitate to move elsewhere. Local foods mean so much to our health and our environment.
M – Movies. What can I say? I just love the silver screen and always have. Last week I saw Spiderman and Magic Magic (twice). ;) What shall I see this week?
N – Nature. There is were I go to recharge my batteries.
O – Orgasm. Do I really need to elaborate?
P – Paleo/Primal foods. Love the way I feel and love the way I look when eating like a cavewoman.
Q – Quilts. There is nothing like a comfy, quality, hand made quilt to snuggle with. I love blankets in general and have way, way too many of them but handmade quilts are my fave.
R – Rainbows. Not just the kind in the sky but anything decorated with a rainbow of colors from clothing to rainbow dreads.
S – Sweet Cherries. Yum…nuff said.
T – Trees. They are beautiful, they provide shade, they are a great place for kids to climb and swing, and they clean our air. Muy importante.
U – UV Rays. The sun makes me happy and provides me with the all important sunshine vitamin.
V – Vitamins and supplements. Our food is nowhere near the quality it used to be so supplementation is very important to me.
W – Water aerobics. Fun and refreshing.
X – Xtreme Sports. Not only do I love to do CrossFit I love to watch the CrossFit Games as well and cheer on fellow box members who compete.
Y – Hello??? Yogurt! Love the stuff and eat it just about every day.
Z – Zico Dark Chocolate Coconut Water… when I can actually find some in stock.
What simple things make you happy?