Why Living Green Is So Important for This Family

Why Living Green Is So Important for This Family

My intro into a more natural and green existence was not born of some desire to save the earth and preserve it for my children. Sure I cared somewhat about being green but saving the planet was not a huge motivator for change in my life. What spurred the changes in my life and caused me to seek out greener pastures was the safety of my kids and a few bad experiences that made me acutely aware of how toxic everything around them was. I found it empowering to research common household products and practices and then go the safer route. It just so happened that the safer route was also the more natural and green route.

Pharma drugs and conventional cleaners  made my oldest child sick so I embraced natural remedies and green cleaners. It wasn’t long after these changes that I was washing cloth nappies, toting reusable bags, and buying foods from local farms instead of chain grocers. I feel that motherhood changed me in immeasurable ways and it was all because I wanted a better way, a healthier way, for my kids. After a very rough start with my oldest child, my second two are so perfectly healthy that it is hard to remember those old days. It makes me feel guilty that I raised my first child until age three under such toxic circumstances. Yet it also makes me aware that there are still so many parents out there that haven’t come to see just how badly things need to change. They don’t know how toxic the products are that they bring into the home because they are blessed with children are not immune compromised or overly sensitive to these chemicals in any way.

When I saw the new video spot for Seventh Generation cleaners I felt it was the perfect way to get the point across. When there are alternative products out there that are so safe and natural why on earth would we choose the toxic ones? They really aren’t that much more expensive and you cannot put a price on peace of mind. This video perfectly illustrates that you can get good quality cleaners without harsh chemicals that are bad for human health and our planet’s health.