Are You ‘Greener Than Thou’?

Are You ‘Greener Than Thou’?

green housewives

A new ad video from Clorox Green Works (see it below) sparked some great conversations on Facebook recently. Some green moms are feeling attacked by the video because they feel it makes our concern for environmental issues seem more than a little nutty. Others commented that it simply highlights yet another high standard that moms must live up to or they will be made to feel that they are not good enough. I think all points were valid and there is no denying that the video is a bit condescending and ripe with implications that women are using sustainability and green parenting to further their elitist views of themselves.

Yet for me personally, when watching this ad I couldn’t help but smile and laugh. I DO believe that you don’t have to go to extremes or ‘be ridiculous’ to take one of their terms, to be green. The message is valid. I also think that we greenies can go into territory seen by others, and even ourselves, as a little nutty. Sometimes I think it becomes a game and we want to see just how far we can take it. There is nothing wrong with that I just hope that we are not also trying to make others feel guilty when they can’t or won’t do as we do. It is totally okay to care about these issues but perhaps not so good overall if I come off like these women do.

I get comments all the time about how nasty it is to use a DivaCup or cloth instead of toilet paper. I just have to remember that once upon a time I probably would have felt the same way. Maybe someday the naysayers will join me and maybe they won’t but my judgement will only push them further in the opposite direction. I have to believe that when they know better they will do better and everyone is entitled to the journey. Some folks will leap into a greener lifestyle and others will need to take baby steps. The product being touted in this ad is also appropriate for baby steps. It wouldn’t be my choice but I would rather someone buy Green Works before they buy some of other products out there.

You don’t have to be obnoxious to be green but if you must then I feel you should at least be able to laugh at yourself.

What do YOU think about this ad??

Also be sure to check out this article written by another green mom about this video ad: Is “Being Green” The New Battle In The “Mommy Wars”?