Simple Living Ebook Bundle

Simple Living Ebook Bundle

simple living bundle

The topic for the bundle of the week is perfectly aligned with my values and interests. I am pretty excited about it. I think it has to be my favorite bundle yet and there have been some good ones! I like to download these books to my DropBox and enjoy them on-the-go or from the comfort of my bed, via my  tablet. I cannot even believe I held out against ebooks so long. Anyway the books available in this Simplicity Bundle are…

25 Intentional Days – Walks you through a step by step process of setting effective long-term and short-term goals, finding time you didn’t know you had and tracking your progress.

Simple Ways to Be More with Less – Love the concept…live modestly but with intention, purpose, and happiness.

Inside-Out Simplicity – This is about changing you (on the inside) in order to make a simplicity life makeover more successful and about changing your relationships. It touches on contentment, gratitude, humility, generosity, kindness, service, and forgiveness.

ClutterFree – Get rid of clutter and regain more time and energy. Co-written by one of my fave authors/bloggers, Leo Babauta

Flying by the Seat of My Soul – All about living a life with more passion and going after your heart’s desire with gusto.
