Best Essential Oils for a Foot Massage

Best Essential Oils for a Foot Massage

Essential Oil Foot Massage -

A foot massage has to be one of the most enjoyable and popular massages. It might even be the reason why so many ladies love to have pedicures. Pretty toes are nice but the massage that comes with the pedicure can’t be beat! They are simple and easy to perform as well so trading massages with your spouse can be an excellent lazy evening at home idea.

It can be reviving and therapeutic! Our feet are super sensitive and super responsive. Many complimentary therapies (think reflexology or shiatsu) believe that we can cleanse and energize body systems and internal organs all through massage on your tootsies. It helps improve blood supply to the feet and thus aids in relieving aches and pains. It can also be a great stress reliever.

To get started grab a carrier oil like almond, fractionated coconut, olive, or grapeseed. Young Living has a great oil called V-6 that was designed for this purpose. Use 4-5 drops of the essential oils per 10ml of carrier oil. Also give your feet a quick wash beforehand.

Best Essential Oils for Happy “Oily” Feet:

Thyme – Invigorates and deodorizes, also good for athlete’s foot

Peppermint – Cools, deodorizes, and invigorates

Lemongrass – Great for sweaty feet and swollen cankles

Rosemary – Achy, painful feet

Lavender – For relaxation and “sleepy time” for kids

Tea Tree – Refreshment and helping eliminate warts, great anti-fungal properties

Geranium – good for blood flow and circulation

Grapefruit – Uplifting and immune boosting

Enjoy! And if you are interested in getting your hands on any of these amazing oils get more info below:
