It’s the New Year! Have you made any resolutions? Do any of those resolutions involve your home? Well, they should. Your home is your castle. It is the place where you find peace and a place to recharge. Making your home a reflection of the person you hope to be this new year will make reaching your goals even easier!
Here are four New Year’s resolutions for home decorating to help you get started.
1. Clear the Clutter!!!
A clutter free home is an important step to clutter free fitness, finances, parenting, marriage, you name it. When we clean up the physical mess we are also cleaning up our attitude and outlook without even knowing it. When is the last time a messy, cluttered kitchen made you happy? Never, you say? Well, do something about it! Clear out clutter.
Resolve to clear clutter in steps. It’s indeed overwhelming to look at your whole house and imagine tackling it all at once, not stopping until it’s finished. Instead, approach it on a room-by-room basis, resolving to clear the clutter from, say, one room a month. You could even begin with corners of rooms to make it even less overwhelming – say, clear the clutter from one corner of the living room every Saturday for four weeks. Then move on to the next room or area.
2. Organize Your Stuff
You won’t be throwing away or donating everything – there will be “stuff” you’ll need to organize and store in a way that’s aesthetically pleasing. Here are some suggestions.
* Baskets are definitely your friend. Baskets can be used to hold items like shoes by the front door, CDs, DVDs, remote controls, and all those adapters for cell phones and computers. Plus they can be bought second hand. My local thrift stores are swimming in baskets.
* Decorative boxes are also handy. They can be slipped onto shelves and look like decorative pieces but they’re actually holding stuff.
* Metal baskets with an without canvas liners are awesome on shelves.
* Luggage can be a great place to store things when it is not being used to travel. Vintage luggage might even look nice enough to keep out as part of your decor.
* Check out my post on Plastic-Free Storage Solutions!
3. Healthy Decorations
A good goal for this year is to bring in houseplants. They are not only beautiful; they detoxify indoor air. Sources say this is even more important if you have a lot of electronics in a room. Another beautiful item that can increase the health factor of your home is an essential oil diffuser. Diffuse therapeutic essential oils in your home to keep you well and to enhance your health. Plus they make your home smell incredible!
4. Go Minimalist
Clearing clutter is important but not bringing it into your home in the first place is a preemptive step. It is also easier and less stressful to live with minimalism in mind. A big trend in books and media has been getting back to a simplistic, minimal lifestyle. Many want to have a life that is free of complications; a life that has been pared down to its most basic and fundamental needs. Minimalist decor is no muss no fuss. Get rid of all those couch cushions. Get rid of all those knick-knacks. Pair down to one bookcase full of your absolute favorite books. Stream videos instead of buying them. Stop buying toys!
Declare that this year will be the year that your home becomes a reflection of your hopes and dreams. When it does you will see that your dreams look more attainable.