Essential Oils for Apathy

Essential Oils for Apathy

Essential Oils for Apathy and Sadness

Apathy is a subject near and dear to my own heart. I have shared before how hard Ohio winters are on me physically and mentally. I have come to realize that I do best when I fight back with a variety of tools such as happy lights, supplementation, outdoor time, exercise, and healthy foods.

The kink in the otherwise perfect plan though can be aptly named, apathy. You may know what you need to do but you just can’t work up the enthusiasm or energy to do it. You become indifferent to your situation and lethargy may keep you from fighting back. Boredom may play a role as well because your regular hobbies and activities just don’t seem interesting or exciting anymore. Hopelessness creeps in.

When we begin to feel apathetic we need to act quickly before something more sinister sets in and our health, work, and relationships begin to suffer.

Which Essential Oils Help With Apathy?

Counteracting apathy requires some energy, some stimulation, and some encouragement. This is where aromatherapy and essential oils can really help.The oils can work to stimulate our emotions and our mind, restoring our desire to get back to our ambitions and dreams.

Anti-Apathy Essential Oil Blend

5 Drops Lemon
2 Drops Nutmeg
3 Drops Ginger

Mix together inside a carrier oil such as avocado or sweet almond to make a wearable perfume that you can make and take whenever you need it. You should also diffuse it home using a cold air diffuser.

i-love-this-nmA portable solution can be found with a simple diffuser necklace – These are locket style necklaces that have an absorbent pad or leather disk in them. You apply a drop or two of the desired oil and wear it throughout the day. After a day or so the oils evaporate and you can reapply. I adore mine and wear it every day!!

Anti-Boredom Essential Oil Blend

3 Drops Juniper
2 Drops Basil
2 Drops Geranium
2 Drops Marjoram
1 Drop Cypress

Diffuse whenever you need to be stimulated into activity.

Overcoming Apathy Bath Blend

5 Drops Geranium
5 Drops Peppermint
3 Drops Cypress

Take a half cup of epsom salts and apply the essential oils on top. Mix well and pour the salts into a warm bath. Enjoy.

How To Use Essential Oils