I joined a second gym this week. Sounds kind of crazy but I badly wanted to try CrossFit and you typically need to find a specialized CrossFit gym or "box" for that. My other gym is pretty darn awesome and I still plan to go there three times a week but they are pretty vanilla and just don't have kettlebells, rings, jump boxes, or medicine balls. I toyed with the idea of buying some kettlebells but heck good ones can cost $85 a pop. Plus I know myself well enough to know that I will not work out … [Read more...]
Mojito Raspberry Paletas
Hot on the trail of my cool and healthy summer treats post, I have a delicious recipe to share: Mojito Rasberry Paletas! Paletas are fruit pops sold in Mexico... I used to get them as a kid in border towns (grew up in Arizona). Unlike fruit "flavored" popsicles, paletas have big juicy chunks of fruit in them. My favorite as a child was always pineapple or coconut with big chunks of the fruit inside. Yum! Yesterday I tried my hand at making some and combined the ever delicious taste of a … [Read more...]
Avocados for Little Folk
Avocados are one of those amazingly healthy foods that even kids will eat and they seem to be nice and ripe in stores right now. Usually they are from Mexico but still on our continent at least. They have nearly 20 different vitamins and minerals, they are a source of healthy fats, and they are creamy so they can be fed to babies and toddlers as well. Some ways to serve Avocados: * For guacamole and chips of course! * As dip for veggies * Blend them up with cacao to make chocolate pudding * … [Read more...]
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