I have shared my Zulily love numerous times before and I have also blogged about The Honest Company in the past too. The first company gives me access to lots of eco friendly goods for reduced prices and the latter is all about taking conventionally toxic products and making them non-toxic and healthier for families. Well, these two companies are teaming up to bring even more great deals to our doorsteps. Zulily is a storefront that takes products we already buy...from lunchboxes and kitchen … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Cloth Diapers for Mom and Baby
This week the question posed to Green Moms Weekly is "What do you say to people who can't wrap their head around the cloth diapering phenomena? Give some simple and positive examples of how cloth diapering can benefit both mom and baby." I decided to cloth diaper my second baby in late 2003, before she was even born. I spent 4 months researching cloth like crazy and putting together my newborn stash. When I told friends and family of my intentions all I got were incredulous looks or an eye … [Read more...]
Reusable Swim Diapers for Green Tots and Babies
In the summer time many moms might reach for those nifty disposable Swim Diapers so that our little ones can enjoy public pools, waterparks, and water play without worrying about accidents. Most public pools even require that kids who are not potty trained wear swim diapers. But did you know that you do not have to go the disposable route? There are many swim diapers on the market that can be bought for about the same price or even less than a package of disposable swim diapers. Cloth swim … [Read more...]
The Toxic Bubble Bath Debate
Several years ago when I was fairly new to natural & green parenting, a good friend told me to avoid using conventional baby products where my newborn daughter was concerned. This meant ix-nay on the bubble bath, no tears shampoo, powder, and lotion that so many people bestowed upon me as gifts. My friend sent me some links though and I checked out what was in those products and quickly realized that these products had no place being rubbed on my baby's skin or being put in her bath water. I … [Read more...]
The Green Diaper Smackdown
Eight years ago if you asked me what type of diaper I would be using on my first child I would have given you a very confused look and said something like "Huh???". Nowadays many parents recognize that this question is not so easy anymore. In addition to the variety at the grocery store... Pampers, Huggies, White Cloud... we also have some others to consider. Disposable diapers with fewer chemicals, flushable diapers, and dozens upon dozens of options in cloth diapers abound. But which is … [Read more...]
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