This really has nothing to do with natural living although ebooks are certainly green. I just wanted to share this awesome deal I spotted on Amazon this morning. You can get all three of the Hunger Games books for only $5. This is the ebook version of the books and you can read them on a Kindle OR the free Kindle reader that works on your computer or mobile devices. I read Kindle books on my Android tablet with the Kindle reader app. I was a hold out on the ebook craze and now I am sold: … [Read more...]
The Emma Gatewood Project – An Amazing Hiking Mom
I don't usually post about all the various pitches and requests I get (via this blog) that are seeking donations to further a cause or a charity. If the cause sounds good I might tweet about it or post on Facebook but I get so many of these requests and I don't want to inundate everyone with them. But this week one caught and held my attention. It wasn't about clean water for third world children or feeding the homeless but it is still something that pulled on my heartstrings and made me open my … [Read more...]
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