One of the first alternative healing methods that ever interested me was aromatherapy and the use of essential oils and this was years before I would truly identify as "natural" or "green". I just loved the idea that plants had healing powers...that all around us were these tiny little powerhouses that we could harvest and use to heal ourselves. The idea that a person may decide to take a variety of drugs to help with headaches and another may look to flowers and leaves and get better results is … [Read more...]
Zinc Oxide Sunscreens For Safe Sun Protection
We had some good discussion on my safe sunscreens page recently. Much of it has to do with some recent studies regarding Titanium Dioxide which along with another mineral Zinc Oxide, has long thought to be one of the better ingredients in sunscreens. Much of this data is in regards to inhalation or nano particles though, which either doesn't apply to sunscreens or is inadvisable anyway (nano particles). Still, there are options for those seeking to use a sunscreen without this mineral. Many … [Read more...]
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