If you have a baby on the way or your little bundle is already here then no doubt you want to ensure you have a green friendly and non-toxic nursery—read on! In these days of eco consciousness, for us to keep our children’s world as safe as we can, we need to start in our home and what better place than your baby’s first environment (after the womb of course)? Perhaps you don't have a separate nursery because you co-sleep. That great! We just need to make sure all of baby's hangouts are safe as … [Read more...]
A Clean Breeze with More House Plants
Did you ever consider how much time we spend indoors daily? It’s shocking if we add up the minutes and hours compared to just being out in the world. That’s why indoor air is something we shouldn’t take for granted, especially when low quality air can create unhealthy side effects for the whole family. In fact, poor indoor air caused by various factors including mold, mildew, and fumes from paint, heating systems, or other chemicals are catalysts for allergies that contribute to one of the … [Read more...]
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