I have posted about cardboard toys a couple times before.. I just love em! In addition to being fun they are essentially an eco friendly arts and crafts project as well as a toy. We recently got to review some of the cardboard play houses from the Imagination Box Company and while they aren't as original as say the cardboard tree house or the castle we got this year... I am liking these better. For one thing they keep it simple! The instructions on some of these cardboard toys can be very … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Grow a Greener Family
1. Breastfeed your baby - Breast really is best and it is the greener choice too. No bottles, no nipples, no cans of baby formula. Breastfeeding is waste free! 2. Use cloth diapers - Reusing is always greener than buying one use disposables. When the naysayers argue about energy used laundering diapers just ask them if they launder their panties and undergarments or if they buy new every time. Boom! 3. Think before you buy new - Do you NEED it? If the answer is no then don't buy it. If the … [Read more...]
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