iCycleBeads for Planning or Preventing Pregnancy

iCycleBeads for Planning or Preventing Pregnancy

I have been a fan of Cyclebeads for many years. I practiced Natural Family Planning or NFP up until we opted for sterilization a couple years ago. I decided early on that I would never, ever use a product that introduced hormones into my body and NFP was the safest and greenest way to go. Cyclebeads provides a very clever way to track your periods and determine if pregnancy is likely or not. I just used a handy dandy calender but I would have been all over the latest product from this great company…

iCyclebeads is an online application that does what their bracelets do, virtually. There is also a smartphone app for on the go use. Love this!

The red bead marks the first day of you period. The blue beads marks the days when pregnancy is very unlikely. The white beads mark the days when pregnancy IS likely. The yellow bead marks the day when your next period should start. It takes all the guess work and days calculating out of the equation and can even send you emails to remind you of fertile and non fertile days, when your period is expected, and to remind you to enter your cycle data.

Of course I think that if you plan to use NFP you should still be highly familiar with your own fertility signs but I think this app is an awesome resource. I used it all this month just out of curiosity and it is very easy to use, even if I no longer need it. I don’t track my periods at all anymore because I don’t have to but it is nice to know when you should expect your period for vacation planning and such. You have access to the application for a mere $12  year and the first month is free. Score!