Very Hungry Caterpillar Counting App

Very Hungry Caterpillar Counting App

caterpillar appI wanted to share this counting app for either iPad or Android devices because it is free at the moment, possibly only for today. I downloaded it myself for my autistic seven year old and I was just so pleased with it I had to share this deal. My kiddo, while advanced in age, is still only in Kindergarten and he has been having great difficulty with much of what he is learning. It is going to be a very long road I imagine but one thing we have already identified that helps him is having a tablet. Other than me, he is the only one in the family that has their own tablet device and it has been such a blessing. We got him a relatively cheap Android 4.0 in case you are also looking. It works great and it is super affordable.

He can play video games on it and feel somewhat like other kids because game consoles and computer games are a bit beyond his capabilities. He needs that touch screen. I also download educational apps for him and to him they ARE video games. It makes learning fun.

Anyway the Very Hungry Caterpillar Counting App is based upon the artwork of Eric Carle. It is fantastic! It has 5 levels of difficulty and from what we have tried so far it is very high quality. Regular price is $2.99 and well worth double or triple that price in my opinion but you can’t beat free you happen to read this in time. Enjoy!

Get the counting app for iPad or iPhone

Get the Android counting app