Natural Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Natural Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Natural Ways to Get a Better Nights SleepIt is amazes me how our attitude’s change about sleep as we get older. When we are younger we relish staying up late, brag about it, and generally try to milk every moment we can by staying awake. As we get older though we start to appreciate sleep time…trying to make sure we get a solid eight or more hours of dream time. We might even take naps. I know I plan my day around sleep time. I always want to ensure I get enough rest. If that means I have to go to bed at 6pm, before the best prime time shows even start, so be it. That is what a DVR and the weekend is for. We cannot expect to be healthy, fit, and strong if we ignore the benefits of adequate rest.

So what if you have trouble sleeping. I am one of the not-so rare folks who do. I wouldn’t say I have full blown insomnia but I am definitely sleep challenged. It runs in the family. Like my father, I toss and turn and wake up numerous times each night. I have tried a variety of things (from pillows like these to no tv before bed) to help fix these issues because I am not a fan of pharma meds and don’t want to go that route.

Here are some natural ways to help you sleep better… one of them was a game changer for me.

Blackout curtains or a sleep mask – Total darkness often means a better night’s sleep. It also helps regulate our hormones better. Artificial light messes with our sleep systems so make sure to block all sources with blackout curtains. That way your neighbor’s porch light or street lights won’t be impeding your sleep. If you have artificial lights in your room such as the displays on alarm clocks or cable boxes, turn them off or use a sleep mask if you would rather not.

On the flip side, waking up with natural light is also ideal. If you have to get up before th sun does, like I do then use a wake-up light. The warm yellow light begins 30 minutes prior to your alarm time, increasing in intensity as your chosen waking time approaches. They are fantastic!

Get rid of EMF near the bed – Electrical appliances produce toxic electromagnetic fields called EMFs. It is not a good idea to have these devices near you when you are trying to sleep. To make your bedroom an EMF free sanctuary use a wood bed frame if you can (instead of metal) or just put your mattress on the floor. Turn off electrical devices or if you can, turn off the fuse that powers your bedroom. If you use a cell phone as an alarm clock (like I do!) keep it as far from you as possible, even if it means you have to get up and walk across the room to turn it off. You can also buy an EMF Neutralizer for your cell phone.

Use a natural remedy – Many people swear by Valerian (an herb) and Melatonin (a hormone). For the latter, start with a teeny weensy dose, even if you have to cut an already small pill in half. It can be a powerful sleep aid but it can also have side effects for some people such as vivid nightmares.

For me the most effective remedy I have ever tried is lavender essential oil. it is AMAZING. I put a roller ball on a bottle of pure lavender oil and apply it neat (means undiluted) to the bottoms of my feet thirty minutes before bed. Then when I slide into bed I am out like a light and I wake few times if any. Total game changer.


lavender oil for sleep

Eat light – Don’t fill your belly right before going to bed. That fires up numerous systems in order to digest the food and assimilate all the nutrients. Eat a couple hours before bed time or eat a light meal.

Take a bath/shower – A hot bath or shower is very relaxing before bed. You can also use a few drops of essential oils to relax you even more. Try Roman Chamomile, Peace & Calming blend, or Marjoram.

Avoid stimulation – Don’t exercise right before bed, watch TV, or play on the computer. Take an hour or so before bed to wind down and stay away from artificial lights such as bright TV screens and computer monitors. We cannot expect our bodies to go from 60 to sleep in just a few seconds/minutes. We need to wind down naturally and prepare our bodies for sleep. After sunset use candles and install software on computers and phones to dim the lighting with he setting sun. Try f.lux. It’s free.

Do you have sleep tips to share?


  1. Green Bean

    This is a great list. I have tried melatonin a few times and it definitely helps you fall asleep quickly. I don’t recall any nightmares but maybe I got lucky. Light is big more me too!

  2. Surviving&ThrivingOnPennies

    Taking this all in. I need better sleep and I bet these will help me out. Great post!

  3. These tips are all terrific for getting kids to sleep better too, which is what we need in my house! I should try lavender with my energizer bunny. We sometimes use melatonin with the kids when they are sick. Unfortunately, blackout curtains had zill effect on my earliest riser.

  4. These are great tips. I haven’t ever used an essential oil to help me on sleepless nights but I’m adding it to the ‘to try’ list!

    My sleep tip is to keep the room cool-overheating makes it difficulty to sleep comfortably!

  5. Jennifer Van Huss

    Great suggestions. My DH needs this! He is a horrible sleepers. his prob is he swears he needs the TV on to sleep! I know its a big NO NO but he won’t agree!

  6. Lindsay

    I am pretty focused on eliminating screentime before I go to bed. And I agree, a nice lavender bath is a great way to calm down!

  7. I actually slept through the night last night for the first time in a really, really long time. I used to take both melatonin and valerian. Hot tea with valerian about an hour before bed with a book can be very soothing. I have also been using lavender – love!

  8. O'Boy! Organic

    If I didn’t have to pee in the middle of the night – I’d be golden! LOL I love the use of lavender and I need to be better at NOT turning the TV on. We at times put on soft music, which is really nice too.

  9. mail4rosey

    Seriously as a kid I thought it was cool to see how long I could stay up. These days I relish in a little high quality sleep time. :)

  10. suelee1998

    These are some great sleep tips. A sleep mask has helped me
    in the past, so this is a tip that works for me.

  11. Ashley

    I used lavendar oil all the time back in high school to help me sleep!

  12. Leigh G

    Lavender is a great recommendation. I do not get enough sleep and wish I could go to bed early, because of this I rarely take more than 30 seconds for me to be asleep!

  13. Kelly Hutchinson

    I have terrible insomnia, so I am willing to try just about anything to get a good night’s sleep, especially if it is natural.

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