A few weeks back I tested out some eco friendly flip-flops. This past week I have been wearing vegan shoes courtesy of Jambu Adventure Designs. Many of their shoes (including mine above) are vegan which makes them a great choice for ethical vegans and vegetarians who still want fashionable footwear. They also have an earth friendly bent because their outsoles are made with partially recycled and re-usable compressed rubber. They also use 100% recycled, recyclable and re-usable packaging. So … [Read more...]
Alternative Energy 101
With the massive oil spill that just occurred along the Gulf Coast, energy sources and solutions have been thrust into the limelight. Environmentalists are sharing a little "I told you so" in reference to oil drilling and political right wingers try to downplay the significance of this spill in the hopes that oil drilling will continue unhindered. As one local man said to me recently... "it is shame what happened but I would rather have oil spills if the alternative is that I pay more than $3.00 … [Read more...]
Is It Green, Religious, Or Just Smart?
La Marguerite wrote an article recently that really resonated with me. I think she accurately hit on an important factoid about the green movement...many people don't think highly of it. They have snide remarks, they thumb their noses at it, or just veil their distaste for something they perceive to be nothing more than a way of inconveniencing them or guilting them. Green means change, consuming less, and voluntary simplicity and let's face it, MANY want NO part of it. La Marguerite suggested … [Read more...]
My Thoughts on Green Consumerism
I have been hearing a lot of criticism from environmentalists about the problem of green consumerism. Many environmentalists believe that the onslaught of green products and gadgets is hypocritical and contradictory. If we truly want to be green then we should be reducing the amount of "stuff" in our lives and not adding to it with all these cool products that claim to be green. They may be green but that is not the point...we don't need them...and buying stuff we don't need is not green. Do I … [Read more...]
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