I have read hundreds of books about green living and sustainability over the years. The preservation of our planet is big on my hot topics list. This is not what actually motivated me to start living green though. The issue that started my great green journey was actually the environment much closer to home... the building with four walls that housed my family and I. It was the threat contained in our food, home, bed, air, personal products, toiletries, etc that motivated me to keep it green and … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Lower Your Winter Energy Bill
Old habits die hard. Well, at least some of them do. My husband and I had an interesting conversation last night after he came home from work late for the 4th night in a row, right after he worked two overtime shifts on the weekend. You see my husband has gotten into the habit of jumping at the chance to get overtime work because those opportunities were so rare after the 2008 recession fiasco until recently. When the recession first hit, he was laid off for weeks at a time and obviously this … [Read more...]
5 Natural Ways to Clean and Sanitize Kitchen Surfaces
Food-borne illnesses often begin in the kitchen. Bacteria that tend to live in kitchens include staphylococcus, salmonella, shigella dysenteriae, and e-coli. These germs tend to proliferate on sponges and cutting boards, but they can be on countertops and other surfaces as well. I am less of a germaphobe since my green journey began and I fear the harsh chemcial cleaners more than most germs. Since meat rarely makes an appearance in our home anymore I don't have to worry as much either but I … [Read more...]
How Green is My Ride?
Yesterday I was driving to pick my son up from school and I was sitting at a light behind an aging, maroon colored car. I could see from their temporary plates and dealer plate holder that they had just bought the car and at that moment I realized that I have changed so much on this green journey of mine. I have always been something of a car snob I guess. I liked new cars with that new car smell and every car I have had was fresh from the factory with that stylish car payment that says "I am so … [Read more...]
Meat – Is it Bad for the Planet?
Two years ago...even last year, I would have defended my meat loving ways until the cows came home. ;) But as I go further along in this great green journey it gets harder and harder for me to justify eating meat. The statistics for environmental devastation just get more and more depressing. The meat eating habit is killing this planet and I think it is time for more green folks to own up to that instead of treat it like the elephant in the room that everyone wants to ignore. Just look at some … [Read more...]
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