Froose – The Healthy Drink for Kids

peach frooseWhen I decided to cut my youngest son’s milk intake recently I was nervous. I just knew that plain water would only be tolerated in small amounts and juice would be the better option. I was right about the water issue so a juice/water mixture was my game plan but juice has a lot of sugar so I was concerned about that too. As if knowing I needed a better alternative I get an invitation to test a new healthy juice drink for kids called Froose. Woot!

I received a big box of of Froose juice boxes in Perfect Pear, Playful Peach, and Cheerful Cherry. This is a brand new product for children that incorporates organic whole grains and fruit to make a nutritious alternative to regular juice that is low in sugar and has lots of fiber…like eating a whole piece of fruit. It was created by a mom who was once a food company executive. She was concerned about the nutritional value of juice because her own son wanted to drink it all day long….loading up on empty calories and leaving him not wanting to eat at mealtime. So she created a juice product with complex carbo­hydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber, AND organic ingredients. They are naturally low in sugar, they are sweetened with organic brown rice syrup, and they have 3 grams of fiber per serving. They are also gluten free and Kosher and natural coloring is used like Annatto or Elderberry so there are no red or blue dyes. Froose sounds to good to be true!

pear frooseI have tasted all the Froose varieties myself and while they did not appeal to my own taste buds so much (too mild) my kids like them quite a bit. My 2 year old makes kissy faces and says “Num , num” whenever he sees them so that is a good sign. :) My 4 year old and 7 year old seem to enjoy them too, so I think we will have some Froose in the house from now on and I won’t have to worry so much about their juice intake.

The only thing I would change is the packaging. I am not big on juice boxes so if Froose came in glass bottles that would rock. Also, ordering them online is okay but if they had them in regular stores that would be even better….maybe someday.

This product gets a thumbs up from me! Visit the Froose web site.


  1. Michelle

    Here in Canada we have Fruit and Veggie juice. No coloring or added sugar at all. One serving counts as 2 vegetable servings. The following is a list of ingredients:
    Fruit juices from concentrate (filtered water, concentrated apple, raspberry and orange juices), vegetable juices from concentrate (filtered water, concentrated carrot, celeriac, lettuce, beet, parsley, watercress and spinach juices), citric acid (for tartness), natural flavour, colour, vitamin C.

    That’s what we use around here.

  2. Nell Taliercio

    NEATO! Another amazing Mom business owner/inventor. I might have to give these a whirl! he typical juices we buy always give me a bad feeling.

    Nell Taliercio’s last blog post..Free Adsense Video

  3. Nell Taliercio

    Oh…could you tell me how many grams of sugar are in one fruit box? Sorry for posting twice, I forgot about that question. lol

    Nell Taliercio’s last blog post..Alice Seba Doesn?t Bite

  4. Nell Taliercio

    Thanks! That’s not bad at all.

    Nell Taliercio’s last blog post..Alice Seba Doesn?t Bite

  5. It has 8 grams of sugar Nell. I compared it to the other stuff I was giving them and it had 12 grams per same size serving.

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