7 Words for Life Change


Just some weekend reading… 

When I got an email from Mike Adams over at NaturalNews.com about a special report available on his site called “Seven Words that Can Change the World”, I was skeptical. It sounds full of hype but I decided to read it anyway. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed it. It really is a remarkable book/report from Joseph R. Simonetta, a master architect with a master of divinity degree from Harvard. He made some excellent points about why the political system will never change things, why the greed of some is ruining our health, happiness, and planet, and why most organized religion as we know it is failing us as a society. The book is full of simple truths and simple answers….seven really simple words that can change the world.

You can read it online here. If you do come on back and let me know what you thought.