Have You Made Your Summer Fun Checklist Yet?

Have You Made Your Summer Fun Checklist Yet?

Summer Fun Checklist

So have you made your Summer Fun Checklist or Summer Bucket Lists yet? Pretty much everyone knows they want to enjoy the summer months and squeeze as much fun as they can from them…but how? It is always a good idea to have some sort of plan so that you know exactly what you want to accomplish and when the kiddos say they are bored you have an idea of what you might want to do. Your kids can even help you make your list so everyone has some input.

I put together the list above with some things I want to do with my family. Some are a given, like eating watermelon or reading books. Others are not as likely but certainly things we would love to do, like renting a yurt or going tubing. We already checked off some of these items this week… bowling, getting ice cream, and visiting a children’s museum!

What is on your list?