Fitness Friday – Exercising in Nature

Fitness Friday – Exercising in Nature

This week has been completely amazing. So very invigorating and enjoyable. In addition to making it to five CrossFit classes this week I also managed to drop some pounds. You see I put on a pair of my favorite pants a little over a week ago and they fit just a bit to snug for my taste. I hopped on the scale and saw that I had gained 12 pounds over 2.5 months. I traveled quite a bit in the tail end of summer with lots of parties and social stuff going on. I was in New York yo! I had to eat bagels and cheesecake. Early fall was spent at festivals (with festival food) and in the kitchen baking treats. I was only eating 50-60% paleo. So yeah I gained some weight.  I am already very encouraged though. I feel great being back to my happy 90% paleo place and I lost 3 pounds in the first week. Booyah!

My CrossFit box is in the process of moving to a new location but ran into some last minute issues with the city. This left us unable to move into the new place as scheduled and we were not able to stay at the old place any longer. The owner wrangled us up a temporary home at a private residence with 3 wooded acres, a long winding driveway (perfect for running), and an 18 car garage that will hold us if it rains. Most of the workouts have been outside among the beautiful Fall trees and falling leaves. I have enjoyed every second of it. It doesn’t get any better than this!

Monday: Warmup was 5 minutes AMRAP 15 squats, 10 lunges, 5 pushups, 15 leg kicks, 10 arm circles, 5 spidey lunges. Skill was snatches with PVC bar. WOD: Buy in was 30 deadlifts w/fat bar (93 lbs). 2 rounds of 200 meter run with sandbag, 20 pulls on rower, 10 pullups, 20 shoot throughs on parallettes, 10 box jumps (20″), 20 GHD situps, and 10 rope pullups. Cash out was 20 hang cleans (73 lbs).

The deadlifts and hang cleans were done in the middle of the woods. So cool!

Tuesday: I felt a bit “off this day…almost like I was getting sick. So I picked way lighter weights than I would typically select and just muddled through. Warm up was 15 minutes AMRAP and teams of 3: 500 meter row, Squat PVC pass throughs while partner is rowing, front squats w/DBs while 2nd partner is rowing. Skill was overhead squats with PVC. WOD was 10 rounds of 10 unbroken thrusters and stiff leg deadlifts.

After this WOD I came home and took mass doses of fish oils and echinacea throughout the day. Felt all better by the next morning.

Wednesday: Warm up was 100 squat hang cleans w/medballs and 100 pushups. WOD was 100 GHD hip extensions, 100 ring rows, x3 200 meter runs with sandbag, 100 Kettlebell Swings, 100 medicine ball backwards toss (14 lb ball for all medball exercises).

Here I am coming back from one of my sandbag runs…

Thursday: Warm up: Buy in was 200 meter run with medball overhead (14 lbs) then 10 rounds of max L sit on bar, max L sit on rings, and max L sit on parallettes. Skill was 5 minutes hang cleans and squats cleans with medball. Buy out was another 200 meter run with medball OH. WOD was 200 meter walking KB overhead swings, 500 meter row, 30 GHD hip extensions, 20 bench presses (65 lbs), and 50 medball toss (16 lbs).

I blistered my hands pretty badly on this day so I bought a pair of gloves for future classes!

Friday: We did a crazy “Fran”kenstein WOD today. It was terrifying alright. Warm up was 100 spidey lunges, 100 crab walk steps, 100 side plank steps. Skill was overhead squat and thrusters form/practice. WOD was 100 meter run with barbell overhead and 21 overhead squats. Drop bar and run back for weights, farmer carry weights back to bar and then 15 statue of liberty situps with weights overhead. Load up bar with weights run back to do 9 toes to bar. Run back and forth from barbell to bar doing “Fran” 21-15-9 thrusters and pullups. 150 meter walking lunges with overhead barbell, 9 Burpee Box Jumps, Break down your barbell, 15 Sandbag Thrusters, 200 meter run, 21 MedBall tosses. I used a 42 lb barbell which is kinda light for me but hey it was a rough week and those lunges are killer!

I am looking forward to a restful weekend and at least one more week of workouts in this awesome temporary location.