Going to BloggyCon 2013

Going to BloggyCon 2013

cedar point BloggyCon

This year I meant business when I made my New Year’s resolutions for 2013. I have been keeping those goals close in mind and heart and taking action every day to make them happen. I have made headway on all four of my goals and have discussed some of my recent successes in other posts. Goal #2 was to have more fun as a family and it was made after my year long goal in 2012 to have more fun myself.

There was just one hitch. Goal #1 and Goal #2 conflicted with each other slightly. In order to make more money it would make sense to travel and attend a few professional events and conferences. Yet it would not be inclusive of my family and I would have to look at their sad faces as I leave them at the airport to go off and have fun without them. After deciding to attend the NAIAS just this past month it seemed like I should forgo any other events unless I could take my family. Either that or I would have to plan so much fun stuff for us to do together that it would balance out in the end. Well, when you set an intention and then act on it accordingly to demonstrate your commitment, amazing things begin to happen.

I offset my Detroit trip when an opportunity fell in my lap to take my kids to a blogger event that involves a resort and indoor waterpark. We go this weekend. Then I spotted a Facebook post about the Bloggy Conference taking place at Cedar Point this year. After seeing how affordable it would be to go and seeing that you can get up to 5 free passes to the amusement park if you stay at a Cedar Point hotel property, I knew I could have my cake and eat it too. I can attend the conference and my family can come with me. The hotel is right on the beach, which my kids will LOVE and they have long wanted to go to Cedar Point. I often tell them stories of my own trips there as a kid.

I love when everything works out so deliciously.

Let me know if you plan on attending. I look forward to meeting lots of new people!