Why We NEED Bees

Why We NEED Bees

This week I came across two different articles - one in my local newspaper and the other in magazine - that focus on the problems that are facing our bees.…
Alternative Energy 101

Alternative Energy 101

With the massive oil spill that just occurred along the Gulf Coast, energy sources and solutions have been thrust into the limelight. Environmentalists are sharing a little "I told you…

Use Less Plastic

A fun and energizing video for Monday morning about plastic of all things. Now if only they would show videos like this in schools, on big screens before movies, and…

Addicted to Plastic

Another evening, another great movie. Two nights ago I was flipping through channels and saw that the movie Addicted to Plastic was airing on the Sundance Channel so hubby and…
Food Inc. Movie

Food Inc. Movie

Am I the last green blogger to see this? Probably. But thanks to Netflix... yeah I must be the last person to try Netflix too... I am catching up on…