When the news started pouring in that President Obama was making a major announcement about climate change today I was unsure what to think at first. My feelings about his performance this term have been rather lukewarm. He hasn't done anything to stand up to Monsanto and their stranglehold on this country and he hasn't done nearly enough lately on green issues such as climate change and clean air. I was especially hoping for more action on this after the Forward on Climate rally in DC this past … [Read more...]
Prop 37 Was Defeated But We Still Have 3 Votes a Day
Last night (election night) was a very exciting night but also frustrating at the same time. I am pretty darn happy with how everything went down from the Presidential election to the Senate race in my state of Ohio. Over the moon in fact. Yet I am also very saddened and frustrated with how Prop 37 went down in California. A yes vote on Prop 37 would have meant that GMO foods would have to be labeled in that state. Californians would now know for sure if they were eating GMO foods. It seems like … [Read more...]
Shopping At Farmer’s Markets with Food Stamps
An article on the NY Daily News caught my eye today about young adults without kids using their food stamps at local farmer's markets to buy farm fresh veggies, local honey, baked goods, and wild caught rabbit meat and salmon. Surprisingly the article did not insinuate that somehow accepting food stamps makes you only deserving of Twinkies and Ramen noodles like I thought it would... of course the comments are a different story. I liked this article because I think allowing people to use … [Read more...]
Food Inc. Movie
Am I the last green blogger to see this? Probably. But thanks to Netflix... yeah I must be the last person to try Netflix too... I am catching up on all those green documentaries I have been wanting to see and for dirt cheap I might add. Netflix rocks! Anyway, Food Inc is a documentary about our food, where it comes from, the true cost, why junk foods seems to cost less than the good stuff, and why looking at our food chain can be a terrifying experience. Factory farms and Monsanto are the … [Read more...]
Pools, rBGH, and Pretend Pastry
TGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone! I have had an eventful week here. It was my birthday and my 10 year wedding anniversary was yesterday. My oldest son's 8th birthday is in 11 days so I have been busy prepping for that. We are going to Pittsburgh to celebrate. That's a mom's life I tell ya...no big to-do over MY birthday or our wedding anniversary but the kids always have the best birthdays. ;) Hubby and I got his homeschool area all set up last night with a brand new HP computer and … [Read more...]
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