Homemade Healthy Veggie Popsicles

Homemade Healthy Veggie Popsicles

Popsicle Molds

The kids and I had fruit salad for breakfast on Saturday morning ,before we went to the zoo. We had lots leftover so I decided to make some quickie Popsicles. I threw the fruit salad into my Vita-Mix, it consisted of strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of raw agave nectar. I also added a cup of fresh juiced OJ and a big handful of baby spinach.

Once it was all blended we poured the dark berry colored mixture into our Tovolo (BPA Free) Popsicle molds. We have stars and rockets and it made 12 popsicles which immediately went into the freezer so we would have a cool treat after a hot day at the zoo. And it was kinda hot!

Fruit Popsicles

They were delicious! They had lots of fiber and seeds and you could not taste the spinach at all. My kids ate these up in 2 days. They even had them for lunch the next afternoon which is a-okay with me. Actually I went to an early movie with my mom and dad on Sunday and my mom saw them eating Popsicles for lunch and wasn’t pleased, LOL. But they were eating real fruit and spinach for lunch so how is that bad?? ;)

Today or tomorrow I think we will make some banana, pineapple, spinach Popsicles…they should be a cool electric green color. The kids also want to try layering the Popsicles with different colored smoothie for striped Popsicles. Oooh delicious spring/summer treats.

Making Homemade Popsicles