Deal now closed.
The Deal of the Day at Reuseit is for these super practical produce bags. I have some bags like these myself (though I needed to get more!) because they are perfect for Farmer’s market season and shopping the bulk bins at natural grocery stores. Instead of your market vendor bagging those yummy green beans or cucumbers in a plastic bag you can just hand them one of these. You can also fill one up with bulk grains, nuts, or seeds from the bins at Whole Foods. These bags are polyester but I actually like them better than cotton bags because the latter tend to shrink and get holes. :(
I don’t know how many times these nifty bags have saved me from having to accept a plastic produce bag. They are well worth the initial, small investment. Today only a five bag set is 30% off, making them $7.76. Use code FLIP30. Enjoy!
I am a new follower of your blog. I half like this idea. I almost got these same produce bags but went with cotton instead because I couldn’t find anywhere that these were BPA or phthalate free and I saw no difference between these and conventional produce bags when it came to the health aspect. I wrote about this in my new blog, actually it was yesterday that I wrote about it in the post, Eliminating The Trash…Part One This is a link to the store that for produce bags that I got I absolutely love them and right now they are also on sale.
Great deal! I just tried the code at check out, but it didn’t work. Bummer. I must have missed the deadline here. Still, great deal either way! Thanks for sharing. :-)
oh wow, what an excellent product ;)