Being Grateful for My Good Life Every Day

Being Grateful for My Good Life Every Day

This post brought to you by Allstate. All opinions are 100% mine.

I am not generally an optimistic person. I don’t see the glass as half full without a little effort. I worry a lot. I stress a lot. My stomach being tied in knot is almost a daily occurance. It doesn’t have to be over anything big either. It could be the fact that I have to float a bill (I hate that) or that I got stuck in traffic and my kids have to survive ten minutes at home without me after school. I take little stresses like that and turn them into a big deal. That is just what I do. Doubt, worry, and fear are the enemies of happiness.

To overcome that part of myself I have to be more conscious of my attitude, my reaction to things and situations, and I have to live in the moment. When you live in the moment you don’t allow yourself to worry and stress. You just breathe and exist and find the joy in right this minute.

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”

I am writing about this because AllState has prompted me to write about the subject and their Allstate Good Life slogan. I am not a customer actually but I adore their slogan and I love their mayhem commercials. They always make me laugh out loud and that is one of the things I try to be more conscious to do (see more below). It is WORK for me to stay positive and live in the moment but it is worthwhile work. When I do, I can be grateful for just how good my life is. I have an AMAZING life and I refuse to let life’s little worries and issues morph into anything that robs me of my happiness. Here are my personal tips for amplifying the good things and letting go of the bad…

  • Minimalism – Less clutter, less cleaning, less stress.
  • Affirmations – I read and recite them daily to remind me of how good I have it.
  • Follow Passions – I love to write (and so I do – every day).
  • The Law of Attraction – Think it, dream it, feel it and good things just happen.
  • Laugh and Smile – When feeling down I watch funny movies or Youtube videos (ahem… the Allstate Mayhem commercials) until I am no longer down. I also smile at everyone I come across.
  • Work Hard – Who has time to worry when you are busy, busy, busy.
  • Take One Step at a Time – When anything seems daunting or out of my reach I make an action plan and tackle it step by step until it is done.
  • Take Time for Myself – I take lots of “me time” when I need it. I read, I go to a movie, I go execise, I get a pedicure or a haircut. I spend time and money on nothing but me.
  • Slow Down – Look out windows, go for walks, sit with a cup of tea and nature. Do nothing for short spells and realize that life doesn’t have to hurried.

Speaking of affirmations…this is one of my favorite quotes/sayings about fear (or it’s cousin worry). Can you tell me (in the comments) where it comes from???? ;)

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

So far in 2013 I have had an amazing ride. I am grateful I have gotten to:

  • Travel to Detroit for the big auto show and meet up with some of my best girlfriends.
  • Take the family for a weekend at an indoor waterpark in the middle of winter.
  • Compete (and do very well) in The CrossFit Games Open.
  • Watch my husband squat 335 lbs and deadlift 450 lbs at a regional CrossFit competion.
  • Learn to brew my own delicious Kombucha at home.
  • Attend a Climate Change rally in Washington D.C. (and see the sites) with my 12 year old son.
  • Take my kids to the zoo weekly with our season passes.
  • Visit local gardens and take my kids fishing.
  • Take my daughter to Manhattan for the weekend to see a red carpet movie premiere.
  • Win a bunch of free stuff online.
  • Find all of our needs and wants second hand via Craigslist and thrift stores.
  • Go garaging saling on Saturdays.

I could go on and I could certainly list a few bad things that have happened but the good is numerous and it outweighs any of the bad. I have a great life! And I need to remember it.

How do YOU stay positive and reflect on your good life? Comment if you have tips to share!


  1. Jules

    Loved this post, I’m with you on the worrying. Oh and gotta love Dune :)

  2. Nanette

    You sound just like me! Two books that help me cope are “The New Birth Order Book” by Kevin Lehman (I’m an uptight firstborn who has to get things right), and “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Dr. Daniel Amen. He’s a psychiatrist who does brain scans. He explains the different parts of the brain and shows that when they are under active or over active if affects our behavior. He says that when the basal ganglia works too hard, anxiety, panic, fearfulness, nervousness, and conflict avoidance often result. He gives suggestions on how to cope when these things happen.

  3. Brooke

    This was a very timely post for me. I’m trying to be very conscious of my stress level these days. It’s funny…now that I notice what stress feels like, I have noticed that I have carried it around with me my whole life. It’s only now that I get glimpses into what a stress-free life can feel like. I’m the same as you where it takes a lot of work and self-talk and self-love to overcome my worry and stress and I know it will be a lifelong process. At least I’m trying to work on it now, in my 20s, rather than living longer with the baggage. I want to experience everything life has to offer and I want to feel genuine, true happiness a majority of the time. As I have gone along in this journey, I have realized that my passion for permaculture always lifts me out of a bad mood. All I have to do is listen to a podcast or read something about permaculture and I feel better. Having a man that makes me laugh daily helps too :-)

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