Fitness Friday – Five in a Row

Fitness Friday – Five in a Row

Hit a fitness goal this week and that was to make five CrossFit classes in a row. Ideally I would like to do 5 on, 2 off consistently. Of course today (on the 5th day) I am really super sore but I love that feeling. It let’s me know that my body is being challenged and that it is getting stronger. I also broke through some PRs (personal records) so that is another bonus. It’s been an awesome week!

Monday: Warmup was 10 minutes AMRAP 10 sec wobble bench hold, 20 overhead lunges (15 lbs), 5 wobble bench press (63 lbs), max L hold on bar – 100 meter run after each. Skill was 5×10 Wobble bench press (63 lbs). WOD was 1 minute AMRAP x10 with minute rest in between rounds – 5 air squats with DB held out front, 10 situps, 5 burpees.

Below is the wobble bench press…which is just benching a bar with kettlebells on the end, attached with bands. They wobble all over and make it hard to stabilize which works all the muscles in your arms like crazy.

Tuesday: Same warmup as yesterday. Skill was 7×5 wobble bench press (63 lbs) and 2 statue of liberty situps with dumbbell after each set. WOD was 15 minutes AMRAP – 5 high pulls, 10 sumo deadlifts, 5 sumo deadlift high pulls, 200 meter run (20 lb dumbbells).

Wednesday: Typically hump day is the toughest. Warm up was 50 Good Mornings, 100 meter run, 50 Back Squats, 200 meter run, 50 straight leg deadlifts, and a 400 meter run (33 lb bar). WOD was 20-1 Kettlebell Swings, Goblet Squats, and straight leg deadlift. That is 210 reps of each!!! Finished at 33:38.

Thursday: Warm up was 15 minute AMRAP: 5 Wobble stiff leg press (63 lb), 250 meter row, 15 Wobble back squat (63 lb), 250 meter row. WOD was 7 rounds w/one minute rest between rounds: max pushups, situps in 30 sec, air squats in 30 sec, max Stiff leg press w/ db’s (40 lbs). Group mobility with bands for finisher.

I managed to stay consistent on my reps for the WOD except for the pushups. That means if I did 16 situps in 30 seconds in round one I managed to stick it and do 16 situps in round 7 even though by then, I was very tired. This was mental just as much as physical.

Friday: Warm up was same as yesterday (wobble press, back squats (78 lb), and rowing). Skill was 5 minutes air squats, 5 minutes rowing, 3 minutes rack. Strength was 50 statue of liberty situps with dumbbell (20 lb). WOD: Team Fight Gone Bad – 3 person teams – Rotating through one minute stations. 1) wallball 2) Sumo Deadlift High Pull 3) 20″ box jumps 4) Push Press 5) Calorie Row.

My PRs: I increased my push press weight by 18 pounds, my back squat weight by 5, and my calorie row by 5 calories.

How did you do this week?