I have suffered from bowel issues my whole life and I had a bout with colon cancer. For years I struggled with wondering why on earth I seemed to have such issues… frequent stomach aches, constipation, sensitivity to certain foods. etc. I hated the idea of eating out anywhere or eating in social situations because I never knew how my stomach and bowels would react and anyone with these issues knows how embarrassing it can be.
It was about three years ago now that I came across the miracle solution I had been looking for…a paleo diet. Not only did strict paleo eliminate ALL my issues it finally clued me in to what kind of foods my body could not handle. I don’t do well with grains (especially wheat and corn), soy, legumes, or too much diary. I won’t go into graphic detail about how exactly I suffer but typically it can include under or overactive bowels, abdominal pain, sharp chest pains, feeling gassy, and major bloating. The book Wheat Belly goes into lots of details about why so many of us cannot handle these foods. I had an inkling about some of these foods before I went paleo but others I was not aware of until I eliminated them. I had no idea I was sensitive to corn for instance until I eliminated it and then months later ate some corn on the cob. The pain in my chest was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack. I thought painful bloating was just a fact of life until I realized it was only certain foods that made me gassy and bloated.
Wheat Belly really refers to the visceral fat in the tummy that accompanies wheat/grain consumption but I also consider it a wheat belly when I get a distended and painful belly immediately after I eat these foods.
Obviously the solution is to stop eating those foods right?!! Yes, exactly. The problem though is sticking with a paleo diet 365 days a year and sticking with it in social settings where I have little control over the food. The holiday season is especially tough. Whenever my diet drops below 90/10 paleo or I indulge in the no-no foods while on vacation or at parties, I have issues. I also eat outside the home for two meals a day and I do bring my own food but sometimes I cheat. I am human. I love chili with beans, I love bagels with cream cheese and salmon. Heck, I love bread in general. Right now I am at one of those points where I have let my paleo diet go for a bit too long and I need to rededicate myself to it, maybe do a Whole30.
The good news is that I know what I need to do. The even better news is that I now have a secret weapon in my arsenal for those occasions when I do partake in bad foods and I end up with painful wheat belly. This has been a game changer for me. I cannot sing out loudly enough how in love I am with the following product….

This is DiGize oil from Young Living and it is sweet relief in a bottle. As the name would suggest it is an aid for digestive issues and helps support a healthy digestive system.
It is blend of different essential oils: tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise, and patchouli. It smells heavenly. The biggest player for me is the fennel. It is what I smell the most of and this makes sense because other cultures use fennel for healthy digestion. This is why you see candied fennel seeds at Indian restaurants.
To apply I use a drop or two inside a small bit of grapeseed oil (any carrier oil will do). You don’t need to dilute it, it is safe to use as is but I use carrier oil to “carry” the DiGize oils to a broader area of my body. A drop or two of any essential oil is not going to go far. I slather my myself from my diaphragm to my lower abdomen and the relief is instant. The first time I tried it I thought it had to be an anomaly, nothing could work that fast right? But after more uses I found that I was pain free before I even finished rubbing it in! No feeling of bloating, no pain in my belly or chest.
Obviously I need to stop eating the offending foods but for those times when I can’t or even just don’t want too I am glad I have this oil in my healthy living toolkit!
For more info about getting your hands on this oil or any other the other wonderful oils they offer at Young Living check out my oils page to find out how.