Weekending – In Photos

Weekending – In Photos

Family, family, family…that is what my weekends have been ALL about of late. Guess maybe I am feeling a twinge guilty that I will be partying it up on New York City for BlogHer 12 in less than 2 weeks. ;)

At a waterpark… pictured is my oldest boy (in the blue suit) and my girl is at the front of the two girls there.

Spent some time w/hubby’s family in Somerset, Ohio (though not under happy circumstances) and my sister-in-law likes to take pictures too, which means I am actually in one. Whaddya know?

We went to a Seniors softball game to watch Papa (my Dad) play…

The light was awesome so I got some good photos of the kids…

Such a ham…

We also hung out at my parents house…

Err…dug big holes in the ground that will supposedly someday be a big pond. And yeah, I am told it really will kill him to smile. Ah…living with a tween boy.

And we played crochet in our bathrobes of course…

 How was your weekend??