Fitness Friday – Good To Be Back

Fitness Friday – Good To Be Back

It has been weeks since I posted an update about the Go Green Get Fit Challenge I started in early summer. All throughout August it seems my fitness goals just fell to the bottom of my priority list. I did some traveling, spent lots of time with extended family, and allowed way too many sleepover parties because I knew that once school started, it would just not be possible.

Now that school is in session I am back to making fitness a top priority again and it feels really, really good. Well, mentally at least. Physically I am kinda hurting this week!!

On Tuesday the warm up was a 200 meter run, pvc pass throughs, and stretches. WOD #1 EMOM 10 minutes – Two Turkish getups w/Kettlebell and sumo deadlift high pulls rest of minute – 20 pound bell. WOD #2 5 minutes perfect pushups and 6 minutes mobility. WOD #3 was 7 minutes AMRAP 5 stiff leg deadlifts, 10 regular deadlifts (52 pounds/kettlebells), and 5 burpees.

On Wednesday the warmup was 8 minute AMRAP 100 meter run, situps, squats, burpees, toe touch back bends, and lunges. WOD #1 5×20 Push Press (33 lb bar) and 5×20 ring rows. WOD #2 was 15 minute AMRAP 200 meter run w/sandbag, 200 meter row, 20 zercher squats w/sandbag, 20 burpees, 20 situps, 20 backsquats w/sandbag. 20 pound sandbag.

On Thursday the warm up was 2 rounds 100 meter high knees skip, 10 squats on wall, 2 minute wall figure 4, 2 minute banded shoulder stretch. Skill was 3×10 wall ball with 2 second pause at bottom (14 pound ball) and 5×30 second plank on rings. WOD was 200 meter run, 10 burpees, 200 meter row, 100 meter run, 20 burpees, 100 meter row, 50 box step ups (20 inch box) with medball and 50 medball slams.

On Friday , since my arms were so thrashed, I decided to swim and I attended a high impact water aerobics class at my other gym for one hour. I may do that again tomorrow.

One really FUN thing about CrossFit of late is that I am attending the classes with my husband and my 6 year old (photo above). The kiddo plays in the play room while the hubby and I sweat. It has been awesome to spend that time together each morning. :)

What about you? Now that school has started is it easier or harder to get some fitness time? For me it’s MUCH easier!

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* I’m one of 30 bloggers participating in the 12-week Go Green, Get FitChallenge as part of the EcoMom Alliance Sustain YourSelf™ Program presented by