Green Smoothies Recipes!

About a year ago (maybe less) my family fell in love with green smoothies.smoothie banner No it has nothing to do with green in the eco sense of the word but rather what is in the smoothie…lots of fresh, leafy greens. A universal issue it seems is the concern over getting our kids to eat their veggies, particularly the dark green variety. Green smoothies are the perfect solution for the whole family.

We drink at least one but usually 2-3 green smoothies a day. This means we are eating lots of Kale, spinach, collard greens, wild greens, etc and we barely even notice because they are disguised with fruit. My kids argue over who is getting the most “green power”!

Since I had so many people ask me for recipes over the past year I thought I would put together a book of all our favorite smoothie recipes and it is finished at last. Check out Green Smoothie Recipes for Kids. They are all kid approved, healthy, and as an added bonus they are also all raw vegan.

So if you have kids that would rather drink sugary juice, chocolate milk, or soda…you need to try these green smoothies. Enjoy!

Also check out a new project I just worked on with a friend of mine… 365 Salad Recipes.


  1. Sheri

    Tiffany, I am so impressed! HOW do you find the time to crank out all these e-cookbooks with 3 little kids? Do you not sleep?

    We are a bunch of green smoothie lovers here too — i whiz up two or three batches daily for my 5 kiddos. the energy from a groovy green breakfast smoothie will keep them humming along for hours. Along with loads of leafy greens, I tuck a variety of things like freshly ground flax, hempseeds, sunflower seeds, raw organic cacao powder or nibs, spirulina, celery, avocado, dulse, kelp and fruit. LOTS of fruit! Great way to get your greens, and such a great raw breakfast (or lunch, or snack…)

    Great job on the new e-books! I like the catchy names you gave your green smoothies :)

  2. Ohhhh, I love this idea, Tiffany! My 3 year old will love a green drink. She is pretty good about eating her veggies (even eating brussel sprouts) but it’s always good to “sneak” in a few more vitamins. Keep up the great work! Cheers, Kimberly

  3. Hi Tiffany,
    Wow love your book and green smoothies idea. While my kids do eat veggies I can never seem to get them to have enough, and we all just love smoothies, this is definitely going on my wishlist.
    I have been following your blog for several months now and really enjoy reading what you write!!!

  4. Stefanie Stricker

    Thank you. Thank you. I can not wait to try these out on my kiddos. They look delicious and fun!

  5. We made a lot of green smoothies over the summer. Not only were they refreshing to drink during the hot weather, but we had plenty of greens from the garden to use. With this cold winter weather, though, it’s been a hard sell around here to drink a cold smoothie. I look forward to drinking them again. It is a great way to get greens into my little boys.

  6. We drink green smoothies almost daily over here.

    Congrats on the new cookbook!

  7. Kim

    What a simple idea. My 13 yr old started making smoothies. I have gotten her into adding all kinds of stuff. As long as she cant taste it, she’s fine. Which if you blend long enough, you cant detect anything weird. She lost 8 lbs in a month. Kids need to know Healthy eating is the key to weight control. Not starving yourself. Especially teens. Thanks!! I am using my husband’s Vita mix thats probably 20 yrs old. The lid is missing but otherwise is in perfect working condition. Expensive but lasts.

  8. Nichole

    I was actually looking for a sample of recipies to see if the ingredients were economical for me and my family as well as to make sure no one in my family is allergic. Where can I see a sample before obligating myself to the purchase of a book?

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