Zico Coconut Water Review

Zico Coconut Water Review

The folks at Zico sent me a case of their coconut water a few weeks back. I was excited to try some coconut water pre and post workout because it seems to be all the rage right now. Fitness bloggers are talking about it and pics of celebrities leaving the gym with a bottle or sippy box in their hand are everywhere. The protein bar thing didn’t work out so well when I decided to get in THAT fad but this seemed relatively harmless. Coconut water as it appears in these products is just the water found inside young coconuts and we love young coconuts here.

So why coconut water anyway? Well, it hydrates you amazingly well just like water but it has some flavor. It is low in calories, fat free, has as much potassium as a banana, and also has electrolytes like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. There is no added sugar either, which is awesome. In actually it is isn’t some miracle drink, just a good source of nutrients and hydration. Although coconut water can be used intravenously which is rather cool.

It is MUCH better IMO than a lot of sports drinks that are marketed to fitness enthusiasts. But is it better than water? My answer would have to be maybe. If you want the extra nutrients and you like the flavor then sure why not? My husband and I both decided, after working through our case, that we prefer water. The coconut water was tasty but it just didn’t satiate our thirst like good old fashioned water. My husband liked them a bit more than I did. In fact I really only liked the “plain” coconut water and would not drink the flavored ones. Of course that is when I was drinking them straight up.

I found that I MUCH prefer to put coconut water in green smoothies where that extra bit of sweetness is appreciated more. In fact I LOVED adding them to my daily smoothies, even the flavored ones. My smoothies are not very sweet. I can taste all the greens and veggies and most other family members do not much appreciate the smoothies I make for myself but adding the coconut water gave it an extra little kick that we all liked. I also liked that it upped the calorie content because sometimes it can be hard to get enough calories in when you are eating/drinking high raw AND exercising a lot.

The smoothie in the picture above is one quart of a two quart blender… 3 cups of collard greens, a banana, some frozen mango, two scoops of Vita Mineral Green, a couple teaspoons of chia seeds, and lime flavored coconut water. It is served as all my smoothies are, in wide mouth Ball jar with a glass straw. Yum!

So the million dollar question is… will we buy more? The answer is maybe. You can get them at Amazon for about $2.00 a bottle and that is a bit expensive when we prefer water. They also come in either non-recyclable boxes or recyclable plastic bottles. Yes, the bottles can be sent out for third party recycling but that is not a sure thing. I think if I got a good deal on them I would buy them now and again… as a treat for my green smoothies. :)


  1. Joanne Badbadkitty Nielsen

    I would love to try this!

  2. Charlotte Shoneman

    I would love to try it out! I have been seeing it everywhere and was curious about it, thanks for the info, hope I win!

  3. Mjlopezfig

    I’m interesting in trying it out since I’ve lately seen ads about the benefits of coconut. I’d think that its water would also be beneficial. Any news about that?

  4. Katrina Krych

    I’d love to give the ole Coconut water a try!!  Thanks for the post!  Definitely been curious, but the price tag has kept me away.

  5. Sarah K

    I just had coconut water for the first time at a restaurant last night. Defnitley a nice break from plain water without all the not-good-for-you extras found in other drinks. I’d love to win a case from Zico! :)

  6. I would love to try more! I did buy a couple of the ONE Coconut waters to take on a wine tasting tour to stay hydrated in between wineries, but am getting so much more into the green smoothies that that would be fun to try too!

  7. Rach9_99

    I’ve never tried the Zico coconut water, but I’m interested in trying it out.  I’ve always been bad at drinking water, but have recently made more of an effort to drink more! Maybe the coconut water is what I need! Hope I win!!!!

  8. Brooke

    It’s hit or miss to find Zico flavors around town… and have only gotten to try a few. Would LOVE  case!! <3

  9. Ashley

    I just tried the plain because it was on sale for $1.89. Would love to try the others. Great drink for the beach.

  10. Dani

    I’ve never tried the Zico brand, but the only way I like coconut water straight up is with lime. It’s hard to find it, so I’d be very interested in trying the Zico one!

  11. Floris

    I really love coconut water, but have never tried the Zico brand.  I’d love to try it!

  12. Cecilia Powers

    i would love to try a case of this. i have had some coconut water, but not this brand. i love everything coconut and all of the benefits!!!

  13. Eileenb436

    we’ve been drinking coconut H2o for a while – it is defnitely a great recovery drink_ especially if mixed with a tad of blueberry concentrate .Great for marathon training ! Just be careful, it does have a tendency to affect your menstrual flow – believe it or not ! my friend from the phil[ipines said that was one of the reasons they always drank it growing up !!  :) Have not tried this brand … Sometimes it’s tough to find any from the stores in our area.

  14. Kristine

    I never had coconut water before…I’d like to try it!

  15. Melissawolf4445

    I would love to try coconut water!

  16. John Heywood

    I have tried Zico and love it!

  17. Jody K.

    I would love to have Zico water on hand to whip up some yummie summertime fruit smooties for my family and friends! 

  18. Brookeryan12

    it is amazing!!  and it’s hard to find where i live – didn’t even know they had flavors!

  19. Monika Star

    I think if I win this case I will spread the word around in a gym class with the wonderful works of Zico. A natural way to rehydrate.

  20. Shelby Baker

    This stuff is amazing. Refreshing, cleansing. I am so eager to try recipes with it and experiment.  Hard to buy on my current budget so I savor it when I get the chance and promote and encourage all the time..

  21. Edward Kang

    I would love to drink Zico as a healthy alternative to Gatorade or Vitamin Water

  22. Hjwoodward79

    Love Zico! Drink it everyday!

  23. Lmangione

    pleeeeeeeseee give me the case of coco water!! I’m obsessed with zico coconut water! <3

  24. Rachael Kelly

    Love coconut water and would love to get a case :)

  25. Charmaine

    I would love to try Zico coconut water.  I hear it is a great way to re-hydrate after a run.  I recently joined a running program and many of the runners in the group use different brands of coconut water.  I would also like to try it in a smoothie.

  26. Krystle_h

    I am absolutely a fan of zico! The first time I tried it I was sold! It is hard to find where I live though which is upsetting :(. Please make my day!

  27. HomerJ

    I really like Zico’s plain coconut water. I have never tried the flavored ones. The reason I love the plain Zico is simply because I don’t drink sugared beverages, and most all diet beverages contain the poison Aspartame. I also don’t intake much caffeine. So that pretty much leaves me with water and some teas. Zico plain gives me another option with my limited choices.

    I’ve found Zico plain 14oz at Costco for I think it was about $0.10/oz. Trader Joes also has a variety of sizes and flavors. The liter of plain was also about $0.10/oz.

    A side note, the Zico plain in 11oz and liter are true natural coconut water, while the 14oz plain is from concentrate.

    Thanks to Tiffany and Zico for this chance, I’d love to get some free Zixo…. I drink it like water!

  28. Debbie Orebaugh

    I would love some Zico Coconut Water!  There is a drought in Texas and we go through a lot of bottled water.  I make a lot of smoothies using shredded coconut simmered and strained with water for coconut milk.  Since I’m lactose-intolerant and I don’t like the sugary sports drinks, coconut water sounds awesome.  I also do the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for Crohn’s Disease so staying hydrated in this heat is extremely important.  Going to check out the rest of your blog–found the link on FB.  Looks great ;-).


  29. Lorrod

    I would try it!!! I would love it!

  30. Justine sauder

    I am a huge lover of Zico coconut water! I play soccer for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and staying hydrated in the desert is key! I start double days next week. A free case of Zico would make me a very happy girl :)

  31. Leigh Cox

    I love love love Zico Coconut Water!!

  32. Fshogren

    I would love to try, I actually found your blog through zico’s face book page.

  33. Jenn Brunet

    It saved me from heat exhaustion during a 12 hour ultramarathon last weekend!


  34. Iliana Zuniga

    the best sports recovery drink. LOVE IT

  35. Marilis Nunez

    I love Zico coconut water!!!! i have onw almost everyday for breakfast.

  36. Dray_nicole

    I would appreciate and love to win the Zico Coconut Water! Water is my beverage of choice and I rarely drink anything else.I am a runner,avid exerciser and lead a very active lifestyle.I have never been a fan of any of the sports drinks due to their sugar content and little nutritional value.With that note I found myself in the hospital this past year from dehydration.It seems I was not properly hydrating although I thought I was.So I’ve been on the search for a all natural hydrating drink to replace the electrolytes,sodium and nutrients lost during intense work-outs.

  37. Jbaird

    I love the Zico Coconut Water with the natural being my favorite.  The chocolate is a close second as a special treat.  I get a montly auto ship from Amazon.

  38. lolamichele

    I’d love to try zico.  I’ve had some other coconut water, but never this kind.

  39. Angel Uche Escobar

    Yes, they are a bit expensive but they are soooo good!!! I would love to win some!!!

  40. Li'el

    Coconut water is truly incredible.  It helps me with vertigo and circulation issues.  Unfortunately, it is pretty expensive.  I would love to win a case!

  41. Crisdale

    I’d like to give Zico a try–can’t find it in Topeka, KS.  I have a warehouse job and am currently using O.N.E. and Vita Coco to try and stay hydrated in the heat!

  42. Hilda

    During my break, I walk 3 blocks to Pete’s Coffee and buy 2 bottles of Zico Coconut water, every Monday- Friday. Yes, this water is pretty pricy, but I just simply LOVE this water!! :)

  43. Sara Yeomans

    I first heard about coconut water just a few days ago from my running coach.  I’ve been meaning to try it. 

  44. kaye

    I love Zico, and the Costco near me just started to carry it!

  45. Mamatouille

    I would love to try it—haven’t had it yet. Maybe would encourage me to exercise??? :)

  46. Carli

    I love love love zico…but I drink so much of it my budget can’t keep up with my thirst! Winning a case would be amazing!

  47. Anonymous

    I’m here via the ZICO facebook page! I would love to win ZICO – so yummy!

  48. Heather Waring

    our family drinks ZICO daily and would love a free case; as it is expensive but well worth it! <3 and peace

  49. Sssgreekgoddess

    I would ❤ to win a case of Zico. It’s a little pricey especially when your unemployed  :~ (

  50. april schauer

    Tried chocolate zico for the first time today! yummy! send me a case! =]

  51. Melaniebimson

    I have been wanting to try this!

  52. Fernanda

    Yummy, as a native Brazilian I know what good coconut water is and I miss it terribly! I’d love to try their coconut water. Hope I win it!!!

  53. Skincarequeen9

    I would love to try this. I am a big fan of and believer in the goodness of coconut water. skincarequeen9 (at) gmail (dot) com . Thanks for the great giveaway.

  54. Jessica Ann Kuipers

    My cousin bought me Chocolate Coconut Water from OR a month ago & now I am hooked. How can you not love this stuff?!?

  55. I love having some coconut water after a hard workout.  It’s really helpful at rehydrating without feeling like you’re bogging down on sugar like I feel from many sports drinks.  

  56. Lucy Liu

    I would Love a case of ZICO!!! I HEART ZICO, and HEAT your blog too :)

  57. Spasqual81

    I just started drinking Zico – and I love it! I prefer it very cold over ice.

  58. DoulaRina

    I am a birth doula and educator and I give Zico to my clients and students and drink it during births myself.

  59. Dee Kohl

    I’ve been looking for a Coconut water (that I like) to help replenish my body through out the enitre day, especially after sports. Not sure where I can find Zico.

  60. Dee Kohl

    I’ve been looking for a Coconut water (that I like) to help replenish my body through out the enitre day, especially after sports. Not sure where I can find Zico.

  61. Laurieb27

    I love Zico!  I dislike bananas immensely and had no idea Zico was out there for me to get my potassium  before and after a workout!  Yum!  The chocolate is great!

  62. Areford

    I love coconut water!  And especially Zico.  I drink it because I love the flavors and it is good for me.  I also like to change up just drinking water, which I drink tons of all day every day.  I was VERY happy to see that it has more potassium in it than many specialty fruit drinks.  I need extra potassium because of some meds that I am on.  I am allergic to bananas and can’t tolerate much citrus so ZICO is a WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I would love to give my husband’s wallet a break and win a case!  Thank you so much for offering it up!!

  63. Melinda S.

    I’ve never seen this….but, it sounds good! Enter me…would love to give it a try!

  64. Melinda S.

    I’ve never seen this….but, it sounds good! Enter me…would love to give it a try!

  65. susan

    I get serious leg cramps and don’t like bananas. Coconut water gets rid of the cramps so fast and they don’t come back for a few days. I love this water and hope to win the case (as long as it’s the plain flavored one). 

  66. Erin

    I have never tried coconut water, but would love to try it.  I work out a lot lately and could use the extra potassium.  Especially in this heat! 

  67. Thaisonhua

    i would LOVE a case of zico!

  68. Thaisonhua

    i would LOVE a case of zico!

  69. Ashley Carter

    I would love to try the coconut water!

  70. Janet

    I would love to try it!  Thanks for this opportunity to win a case.

  71. Kelly

    I enjoy coconut water, but find the cost prohibitive. I’m excited about this giveaway!

  72. Donna

    Love Zico coconut water….so refreshing and perfect for summer!

  73. Adele

    I would love to try Zico!  I never tried coconut water, but it sounds great!

  74. Juliacn

    Sounds yummy. I’d love to give it a try.

  75. Juliacn

    Sounds yummy. I’d love to give it a try.

  76. Angelina Perry

    Zico’s coconut water revives my whole body when I’m at work, it is the only liquid that keeps me hydrated and active in summer heat, I wish I had a dispenser machine for everyone at work to enjoy it :)  cheers

  77. Marceymitcham

    Just today I was doing research on juicing and smoothies and I have a book I am reading called Coconut Cures by Bruce Fife. I have not had bottled coconut water before, only straight from the coconut. I would love to give it a try! I love your idea of adding it to the smoothies! Thanks for giving your report!

  78. Alicia Bayer

    I’ve been curious about coconut water for a while now.  We love green smoothies too and that sounds like a great way to up the nutrients even more.  I appreciate the honest review!

  79. Tanuja Mehrotra

    I just saw Zico today at Trader Joe’s!  I picked up the regular and mango and am excited to try it!  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win a case of Zico!  I also love the glass, Jeremiah Weed has something like it on their bottles

  80. Andrea

    My veg daughter loves anything with coconut in it. This would be great for her. 

  81. ckujat

    My husband and I like the Zico. We also feed it to our son and use it to make his popsicles!

  82. LauraK

    I would love a chance to try some coconut water! Thanks for letting me know that it is good for smoothies, I don’t think I ever would have thought of that :)

  83. I would love some Zico to help me beat this serious heatwave! Great giveaway :)

  84. txbarehoof

    I love coconut water after a run in this 105 degree Texas heat!  It rocks!!

  85. Holly C.

    I would love to try this, I love the coconut water from the cocos I bought in Mexico, if this product is even close to the real thing I will be hooked!  thanks for the chance

  86. Stephanie Novacek

    My family & I have recently entered the “natural world of health” & have been so excited to try new things!  We would love to give Zico a try and be sure to share our new smoothie recipe with our family and friends! 

  87. Elena

    Zico is so incredibly delicious and nutritious! I am a runner and I love drinking Zico during and after my work-outs but I have to agree with Carli, Zico is pretty pricey so I’d love to win a case! Thank you!

    • Cecilia

      I found the best prices for Zico are at Trader Joe’s or Henry’s – – a little less than a buck fifty. 

  88. Hannah

    I would LOVE to try this water is sounds amazing!! Thank so much!

  89. Lauri Heinsohn

    Zico coconut water is great. I started drinking these about 2 weeks ago. I have stopped sodas and sports drinks because of too much sugar. My 12 year old son loves them too. I’ve tried different brands, but Zico is the best. I just tried the Chocolate Zico today….amazing!

  90. Lauri Heinsohn

    not to mention with this heat wave in Dallas, TX….109 degrees today…Zico keeps us hydrated!

  91. Katrina

    I have been making “green smoothies” for about two months now, following your blog of course :) I would love to try Zico to see how it would taste. I nurse as well so maybe my little one would enjoy as well.

  92. Danielle

    It sounds so refreshing!  Love to try it! After a while I get so sick of just plain water and don’t want to drink anything else because they are all that great for me. With all the added sugars or artificial sweetners and flavors. It would be great to try something pure and natural :)

  93. Grace

    I love coconut water to re-hydrate after a hot yoga class! Thanks for the opportunity to win a case!

  94. Aryehn

    I drink it when I work out and when I’m just in the mood for a good hydration.

  95. AryehNC

    It’s WAY better than any sports drink!

  96. Ravi M

    I just tried Zico for the first time today. My mother’s side of the family is from Philippines & we would drink coconut water (or buko juice as they cal it) whenever we’re visiting. It was a little nostalgic for me trying Zico today after not having coconut water in a while. Reminded me of a hot day, sitting under a tree, while family members would recruit more buko juice for everyone. 

  97. Cecilia

    Coconut water IS much more than just a trend and is much better than just water,if you work out hard, and are using it for a post-work out recovery drink.  I run long distance and tried using it the last couple of long runs, post-run and had little to no recovery period.  I love it.  (;

  98. Anna Lindquist

    I would love to try this brand. I have tried a few others and not been as impressed as just buying a coconut and drinking..

  99. Tenzo

    1 a day isn’t that expensive, considering all the other things people take to give them energy (coffee, ginseng, energy drinks, candy, etc) if this can replace it then that would actually be the more cost effective and healthier solution.

    Water is good but it doesn’t have electrolytes which is bad. So even if you have a high sodium diet there are other electrolytes you aren’t getting. 1 a day during the work week equates to 40 bucks a month which is much less than what most people spend monthly on cigarettes.

    After having it a couple of times I’d say it’s worth it to cut something else out the budget to make room for it. If you buy bottled water for example purchases less since Zico technically would hydrate you better than the water anyways.

  100. Tenzo

    1 a day isn’t that expensive, considering all the other things people take to give them energy (coffee, ginseng, energy drinks, candy, etc) if this can replace it then that would actually be the more cost effective and healthier solution.

    Water is good but it doesn’t have electrolytes which is bad. So even if you have a high sodium diet there are other electrolytes you aren’t getting. 1 a day during the work week equates to 40 bucks a month which is much less than what most people spend monthly on cigarettes.

    After having it a couple of times I’d say it’s worth it to cut something else out the budget to make room for it. If you buy bottled water for example purchases less since Zico technically would hydrate you better than the water anyways.

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