Paleo eBook Bundle Deal!

Paleo eBook Bundle Deal!

The bundle of the week is a subject near and dear to me…paleo foods! Paleo forever changed the way I eat and view a healthy diet because paleo fixed so many nagging health issues for me, many of which I didn’t even realize were a problem until they were gone. For instance, bloating. I never realized how much bloat I was carrying around while on a diet that incorporated grains and I never realized how amazingly energetic I wasn’t feeling. Paleo and primal foods have been a game changer for me and I love sharing that with others.

Before paleo I thought I was incredibly fit and energetic going to my daily cardio classes followed by either a run on the treadmill or some weight machines. I ended up with adrenal fatigue though because my diet wasn’t supporting my activity level. Today I went to my local CrossFit box and worked out for a solid hour…jumping rope, running, and lifting heavy weights. Officially we did “1-800 Grace” which is one rope climb, an 800 meter run, and 30 Clean & Jerks with a 95 lb bar. Today was actually a pretty easy day all things considered. Pre-paleo I never would have been able to do any of that. I wouldn’t have had the strength or the endurance. Pick up almost 100 pounds from the floor and throw it over my head??? 30 times??? After a half mile sprint??? No way.

But that was pre-paleo. Post paleo I simply call it Monday.

But I digress, this long winded explanation of why I love paleo was just supposed to be an intro to this week’s bundle of the week. I think you can guess the theme…

paleo bundle

You get all 5 of these books for only $7.40! They are:

The Paleo Miracle – It features people who have healed from a serious health problem all with paleo…things like diabetes, ADHD, heart disease, Crohn’s, etc.

The Paleo Snack Recipe Book – 75 paleo snack recipes.

Eating Out and Traveling on the Paleo Diet – Traveling while on any special diet is hard but this book provides some great ideas and tips.

Toadally Primal Smoothies – Paleo and primal smoothies..over 150 of them! I liek the wide variety. Coconut egg nog and vanilla almond cappuccino? Here I come!

Paleo Ice Cream – 31 ice cream like flavors that are paleo friendly.



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