Lily’s Dark Chocolate

Lily’s Dark Chocolate

One of the perks of a paleo diet is that I don’t try to limit my chocolate intake. I just make sure it is dark chocolate and I enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!  I have tried so many different and wonderful dark chocolates since I started this new “diet” and I have been blown away by how much I actually like chocolate when I am eating the good stuff. Most of the chocolate marketed to us is crap…nutritionally and taste-wise.

One that I tried many weeks ago and forgot to mention (oops!) is Lily’s Dark Chocolate. They sent me four of their chocolate bars to taste and I have been dreaming of them ever since, one of them in particular.

But the details first…what makes Lily’s a little different? Well, they are made with fair trade chocolate and are certified. They have no GMO ingredients, they are organic, and they are 55% Cocoa. That is actually a little on the low side for me since I like 80-90% cocoa for uber dark chocolate but for a once in a while thing these are prefect. What I like most though is that they have no added sugar and are sweetened with Stevia. This makes these bars 25% lower in calories. Now I am not very calorie conscious but even I cringe sometimes when I see that the chocolate bar I am about to eat has 450 calories. 340 calories sounds much better to me, especially since chocolate is a snack or a dessert, not a meal.

All of their bars are tasty but I am not likely to pick up the crispy rice version again (not paleo). The regular dark chocolate and the almond were divine but the standout winner is the coconut. Yum times infinity!



  1. Lisa

    Sounds wonderful!  for the time being I can only enjoy low carb chocolate, but I will try lily’s when my baby is born

  2. Bernita burdick

    1oz of dark choc. a day containing 70% or higher in coca can help increase your metabolism

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