Painting outside on the porch is what my kiddos spent most of this gorgeous day doing. I made some paper dolls for my daughter using some Trader Joe's bags I have had laying around for a couple months. After cutting them out I set all the kids up with some natural paints from GLOB. My youngest boy just painted on paper and my oldest painted a cardboard house. The paints use plant materials for their color... pomegranate, blueberry, tangerine, basil, plum, and lemon verbena. They even have … [Read more...]
How To Make a Natural First Aid Kit
Natural families like natural remedies and non-toxic ingredients. Typically their medicine chests look a lot different than one you find in a more mainstream home. I have yet to see a Natural First Aid Kit at my local grocer though so if you want to make your are a few ideas. You will be prepared and you will be using only natural and safe products on your family. What you need to make a natural first aid kit: Aloe Vera Gel - It soothes and heals burned, bitten, or … [Read more...]
Homemaker Resources for Natural Moms
I just wanted to let you all know about two new or new-to-me resources for natural families that I like. First off the Holistic Moms Network, of which I am a fan, has released a new cookbook. It is called "Growing Healthy Families". The cookbook is comprised of recipes submitted by holistic and health conscious moms and compiled to make an awesome resource for other moms wanting to cook healthy meals for their family. Growing Healthy Families showcases a variety of nutritional philosophies … [Read more...]
Why I Love Whole Foods
I really think it might be a bit abnormal how much I love the store Whole Foods. If I went in alone I think I could spend several hours there...walking around with a glass of organic red wine, nibbling on raw goat's cheese, walking the book and magazine isle, reading ingredient labels, talking to the sales people, smelling the incense, etc. I LOVE this store. It is also a lifesaver for natural families. When you have house-guests coming and you are out of your peppermint soda scrub and soy … [Read more...]
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